The core of a stable society is a tripod, the legs of which are the following:
Empathy—Without its people possessing a fully developed sense of empathy, a society has no freedom. It is only through accepting the differences of others that a stable polity can develop, and any attempt to marginalize or discriminate against minority groups will lead to conflict farther down the road as they agitate for equality wrongfully denied them.
Logic—The ability to reason and make decisions free of fear and ignorance is the only way to create beneficial long-term growth in a society. Coupled with empathy, logic allows individuals to make altruistic choices that benefit the many over the few by promoting an atmosphere of equality—as life gets better for everyone, opportunities for conflict diminish.
Enlightened Self-Interest—The drive to constantly improve, but not at the cost of long-term harm to the society, is the core of enlightened self-interest. Combined with logic, this leads to the understanding that short-term gains are never prioritized over long-term consequences; the citizens understand that the society will endure after an individual passes on. Coupled with empathy, enlightened self-interest will never cost another individual his rights, as that leads inevitably to conflict.
The rights of individuals in a stable society are:
The Right to Free Will—Whatever actions consenting adults take that do not deprive other individuals of the opportunity to exercise their own free will are nobody’s goddamned business but the people’s involved. Live your own life and let other people live theirs.
The Right to Knowledge—All individuals must have access to the fundamental basics of education and all information available in the society. The only way for a person to make rational choices is to have all the information in hand so he can weigh the potential benefits and consequences. Ignorance can be only a personal choice, not the enforcement of others. All requests for information will themselves be a matter of public record; a truly free society has no need for privacy laws because everyone knows who is watching at any given time.
The Right to Humanity—Any individual, regardless of race, gender, species, or origin (biological or nonbiological), who can demonstrate empathy, logic, and enlightened self-interest shall be regarded as human and benefit from all rights and protections afforded thereof. Appearances don’t mean a thing. Actions do.