One chromosome. That’s all it takes to change how the world perceives you as a human being. Somehow, this one chromosome determines how much money you’ll make, how much freedom you’ll be allowed to have, how much education or knowledge people think your brain can hold.


Why do we place so much emphasis on one chromosome? Why have we, for so long, decided that this one chromosome is the only way to judge a person’s worth? What is it about having a dick that makes so many people act like one?

I’ll tell you why. It’s because we value strength over empathy. We think that the ability to apply physical force is the defining measure of humanity, when in fact it’s our ability to work together and protect the value of the mind no matter the body it resides in that has made us the dominant species on the planet.

Any jackass can apply the threat of violent coercion. It doesn’t take intelligence to menace someone with a club, to point a gun and demand submission. It takes intelligence to realize why doing so is ultimately harmful to the fabric of society, that without the protection of freedom and life, we will all drag ourselves back down to rocks and sticks.

Don’t buy into the hype. Don’t think that because you happened to be born a man, you somehow have the right to tell other people what to do. Don’t think that a single chromosome gives you the right to invalidate someone else’s free will, to take away anyone’s choices and opportunities.

XX, XY, XYZ, and beyond—none of it makes a single bit of difference when compared to how someone acts, how someone behaves, how someone reveals his or her true identity time and time again. Man, woman, or whatever the future may hold—nothing gives you the right to enslave someone else.

One chromosome. What is that, when weighed against your very humanity?