This book is a short interpretation of the First World War, a subject that has been written about by thousands of authors. The following section of this book makes suggestions for further reading, followed by a bibliography of works that I found most helpful in writing this book. The suggestions and bibliography offered here are not extensive. A very good and more substantial introductory bibliography may be found in John Morrow’s book, The Great War: An Imperial History. A comprehensive guide to reading and research may be found in Robin Higham’s Researching World War I. The best overview of how historians have interpreted the First World War is The Great War in History, coauthored by Jay Winter and Antoine Prost.
Suggestions for Further Reading
In recent years there have been a number of books written that provide good surveys of the war. The most readable is The First World War by John Keegan, who also provides many insights about how soldiers imagine and experience geography and landscape. A somewhat more academic and analytical approach is taken by Hew Strachan in his own survey history, The First World War, which is also highly recommended. Two other books—John Morrow’s The Great War and Michael Neiberg’s Fighting the Great War—also present balanced scholarship in readable prose, while paying more attention to global aspects of the war. Students who begin to develop a serious interest in the First World War should read David Stevenson’s Cataclysm, my personal favorite survey of the war. Stevenson’s book is longer than the others listed and it contains fewer colorful stories about the human experience of the war. Yet Stevenson writes well and he presents a superior, detailed, and nuanced overview of the war’s politics and economics. And, finally, the survey work that does the best job of introducing the excitement of interpreting and debating the war is Niall Ferguson’s The Pity of War. In this book, as in his other books, Ferguson excels at challenging the received wisdom of fellow historians.
After reading one of these introductory surveys, readers may wish to stoke their imaginations by watching films. There are two excellent video series about the First World War. One, called The Great War and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century, was conceived mainly by Jay Winter and Blaine Baggett and released in 1996. It is particularly insightful about the psychology of the people who experienced the war. Another excellent video series entitled The First World War was produced in 2004 by Jonathan Lewis. It is based on the survey book The First World War, by Hew Strachan, and adds much to it, not only by using standard archival footage of the war and interviews with experts, but also by presenting the landscapes of the war as they may be seen today, thereby linking the present to the past.
Documentary series are not the only ways to explore the visual side of the war. The war has been the subject of many feature films. In the interest of space and time I will recommend my personal favorites, all of which should be easy to locate. The Grand Illusion (1938) by Jean Renoir is the story of two French pilots, captured by the Germans, who join together in an effort to escape in spite of their different class backgrounds. The film raises questions about class loyalties and also about race—the pilots are joined in prison by a French Jew and a French African—while presenting war as senseless. A similar argument about war’s senselessness is made in Stanley Kubrick’s 1957 film Paths of Glory, which tells the story of French mutineers, some of whom are put on trial as examples to their comrades. Kubrick, like Renoir, shows soldiers who begin the war as willing participants and then change their minds when encountered with the evidence of the war’s perverse logic. The opposite approach is taken by Howard Hawks, the director of Sergeant York (1941). In this film, a backwoods American, Alvin York, is persuaded to abandon his pacifist idealism and participate in the war. He goes on to become an enthusiastic soldier and a hero, responsible for single-handedly capturing more than a hundred German soldiers. Howard Hawks hoped that York’s example would persuade isolationist Americans to participate in the Second World War, while his near-contemporary, Jean Renoir, used The Grand Illusion to urge his countrymen to avoid another world war. The conflict between duty and idealism, on the one hand, and war’s senselessness, on the other hand, is drawn out very well by Peter Weir in Gallipoli (1981), a movie about two Australian friends who are caught up in a senseless attack on Ottoman positions in the film’s final scene. Instead of resisting their orders, their entire unit goes “over the top” and is sacrificed. Finally, when the war becomes unbearably depressing, I recommend watching the Marx Brothers’ spoof of early twentieth-century diplomacy and war-making, the hilarious film entitled Duck Soup (1933). Groucho plays Rufus T. Firefly, the prime minister of “Freedonia” who starts and participates in a needless war against the neighboring country of “Sylvania.”
Comic and tragic films about the First World War have done much to support the interpretation that the war was a senseless slaughter. So have numerous works of fiction. Henri Barbusse’s Under Fire was written in the final years of the war and published in newspapers. It provides an unsparing account of the lives of French soldiers caught up in the terrible fighting along the Western Front. A German perspective is presented by Erich Maria Remarque in All Quiet on the Western Front (1928). Both books are famous indictments of warfare, as are the wartime poems of the British officers Robert Graves, Wilfred Owen, and Siegfried Sassoon, which have been collected in many anthologies. These poets feature prominently in one of the best works of historical fiction about the war, Regeneration (1993) by Pat Barker. In this novel, Barker explores the psychological traumas of war and their influences over the officers’ sense of duty. The most richly detailed historical fiction about the war, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s August 1914 (1972), analyzes the reasons for the Russian army’s failures during that fateful month, while providing rich characterizations of officers and men.
Arthur, Max. Forgotten Voices of the Great War: A History of World War I in the Words of the Men and Women Who Were There. Guilford, Conn.: Lyons Press, 2002.
———. Last Post: The Final Word from Our First World War Soldiers. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2005.
Audoin-Rouzeau, Stéphane, and Annette Becker. 14–18: Understanding the Great War. Trans. Catherine Temerson. New York: Hill and Wang, 2002.
Barbusse, Henri. Under Fire. Trans. Robin Buss. London: Penguin, 2003.
Barry, John M. The Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History. New York: Viking, 2004.
Bennett, Geoffrey. Naval Battles of the First World War. London: Batsford, 1968.
Bourke, Joanna. An Intimate History of Killing: Face-to-Face Killing in Twentieth-Century Warfare. New York: Basic Books, 1999.
Byerly, Carol R. Fever of War: The Influenza Epidemic in the U. S. Army during World War I. New York: New York University Press, 2005.
Chickering, Roger, and Stig Förster. Great War, Total War: Combat and Mobilization on the Western Front, 1914–1918. Washington D.C.: German Historical Institute; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Churchill, Winston. The River War: An Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan. New York: Scribner’s, 1933.
Crosby, Alfred W. Epidemic and Peace, 1918. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1976.
Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. New York: Norton, 1999.
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Edgerton, David. The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History since 1900. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
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