THE DAY OF THE NEW YEAR FESTIVAL DAWNED AS bright and hot as if it were already high summer. The king had sent guards to escort Mepu and his family into the temple courtyard, where the great altar of Baal stood before the steps that led up to the sanctuary. The courtyard was packed with most of the aristocracy of Jericho, and it was so hot and airless that Atene felt as if she might faint. Of all the family, she was the only one who was not jubilant about Rahab’s honored place in the coming ceremonies.
“Look at all these people,” Shemu said to her in a low voice. “To think it is my little sister who is to be the goddess on such a day as this.”
Atene glanced up into her husband’s face. There was nothing she could say. Everything in his upbringing told him this was a great honor for Rahab. Everything in Atene’s upbringing told her that too. But since she and Rahab had prayed to Elohim, Atene had begun to wonder. The idea of one god being in charge of all the world . . . Atene liked that idea. Somewhere deep inside herself she thought it made sense.
The city streets outside the walls of the temple were jammed with people by the time the door to the temple sanctuary opened and Makamaron made his appearance. This yearly festival was the most important religious and political occasion for Jericho’s king. This was the day when he was reinvested with his authority as the representative of Baal on earth. This was the day that he reasserted his kingship.
Makamaron proceeded with slow dignity to the high-backed, carved wooden chair that was set before the temple doors at the top of the stairs. His tunic had been dyed with the precious purple that came from Tyre and was only worn by kings. A circle of gold sat upon his bald head, and the wide bracelets on his arms and the rings on his fingers glittered gold in the hot sun.
“He doesn’t look well,” Atene murmured to Shemu. “His face is gray.”
Shemu said, “Well, he’s not young anymore. He’s been king here for twenty years.”
Poor Rahab, Atene thought. The glory of the king’s clothing could not disguise his age or his unhealthy bulkiness to Atene, and she shuddered at the thought of having to lie with so repulsive a man. She reached out to grasp Shemu’s hand. He looked at her in surprise, then smiled and closed his fingers around hers.
Atene watched with the rest of the crowd as a magnificent bull was led into the courtyard. The animal walked quietly and Atene thought it must have been given some kind of herb to make it so docile.
The bull only roared once when the high priest brought the ax down on its neck. Then it slumped down on the altar, twitched once or twice, and was quiet. Atene felt sick as she watched the sacrifice. She had seen animal sacrifices before, as they were a part of the village rites of Baal and Asherah, but the blood from this large animal seemed torrential. She closed her eyes so she didn’t see the high priest fill a cup with the blood of the sacrifice and climb the stairs to the king’s chair to anoint Makamaron on the forehead with the mark of Baal’s thunderbolt.
Once the sacrifice and anointing were finished, the part of the festival the crowds most enjoyed began. For several hours the high priest stood on a platform that was raised higher than the temple walls so the people gathered in the city streets could see and hear him. From this perch he recited the extensive collection of holy stories that told about Baal and the various other gods who made up the Canaanite religion.
Other platforms had been set up in different places outside the walls, and lesser priests recited the stories to those who were not close enough to the temple to hear. As the stories progressed, the adventures being described were enacted by mimes to the delight of the populace. The people threw themselves into the stories, weeping and lamenting when Baal was hurt or defeated, and shouting and rejoicing at his victories.
Sala and his father were in the crowd watching these proceedings along with the believers. Lord Nahshon had not wanted to come, feeling that to do so would make him unclean, but Sala had threatened to go alone, so his father had reluctantly accompanied him. The two of them listened to the priest nearest to them with a mixture of incredulity and horror. How could these people believe that the wonders of this earth had come into being because of these brainless, power-hungry gods they had created out of their own imaginations?
The first story the high priest recited had been about Baal and his conflict with Yam, the god of the seas and rivers. After Baal’s victory over Yam, there came the long story of the building of Baal’s palace in the mountains. Then the priest went on to tell about Baal’s summons to Mot, the god of death. When Mot refused to come to Baal’s palace, Baal went searching for him. All of the other gods took sides and there was extensive fighting among them until Mot apparently devoured Baal and killed him.
This particular part of the story called for shrieks of mourning from the women in the crowds and much beating of the breast from the men. The crowd surrounding Nahshon and Sala quieted a little when they heard of how Asherah, who was both Baal’s wife and his sister, went searching for Mot and killed him with a sword.
This provoked many cheers for the redoubtable Asherah and snarls for the hated Mot. Then, to the crowd’s delight, Asherah learned from the sun goddess, Shapash, that Baal was not dead. The goddess sought out her brother and her mate and finally found him, still alive.
This evoked huge rejoicing among the crowd. The priest had to wait a long time until the noise died down before he could finish his tale. It ended with the happy news that Asherah and Baal then retired together to his mountain so he could take his rightful seat upon his throne.
When the storytelling was over, the crowd was in a highly emotional state. There was shouting and laughing and dancing, much of it fueled by the wine that had been going around.
Sala had not been prepared for this kind of display. Among his people, worship was serious. The Israelite religion was concerned with the behavior of Elohim’s people, about following the laws of the Creator, about being upright and just and open to the word of God. This display . . . this was outrageous. Disgusting. Offensive in every way to Elohim, who had commanded that Joshua crush these polluted worshippers under his feet like the dirt that they were.
And Rahab. His beautiful, brave Rahab was trapped in the net of this filthy ritual. It made Sala sick to his soul to think about it.
Save her, Elohim. I beg this of You. Save Rahab from this degradation. She has turned to You for help. Save her, Elohim . . .
A sudden roar came from the crowd, distracting Sala from his prayer. He heard someone cry, “The hierodule is coming!”
Sala’s stomach turned over. They were parading her in front of this drunken crowd. How could this be happening? How had things come to this?
But it was happening. They were bringing Rahab from Asherah’s Shrine to the Temple of Baal for the culmination of the festival, the sacred marriage. The noise of the crowd had grown so great that it was impossible for Sala to hear what his father was saying to him. He saw the king’s guards using their spears to push back the crowd to make a pathway for the raised chair carrying the hierodule.
Sala and Nahshon were shoved back with the crowd, but Sala was tall enough to see over the heads of those before him. He looked at the opened path and wondered if he could bear to watch this. It would tear his heart out. But even if he wanted to, he could not move, he was so hemmed in by the mass of people around him.
Then he saw it, moving at a measured pace along the path cleared by the guards. Sala could not look away. The chair was anchored to two long poles and four priests were carrying the poles on their shoulders. And sitting in the chair was Rahab. The hierodule.
She did not see him as she passed by. She sat straight-backed in the painted cedar chair, her great brown eyes staring straight ahead. Her glorious black hair was loose and flowing over her shoulders and down her back. The pure white tunic she wore brought out the warmth of her skin and the heavy gold necklace, the slender delicacy of her neck. The lineaments of her face were utterly without expression. She actually looked like a goddess, so remote did the shouting people appear to her in her aloof and transcendent beauty.
Such fury filled Sala that he thought he would explode with it. “They can’t do this to her!” he shouted to his father. “I won’t let them do this!” He shoved the man in front of him hard, trying to get past, and kicked the next one in the legs in a frantic effort to reach Rahab.
“Sala!” Nahshon caught the edge of his son’s tunic to haul him back, but Sala pulled away. He was so filled with rage that the air in front of him looked stained with red. He wanted to pummel, to smash, to destroy, to kill; he wanted to murder every person in the world who had done this to Rahab.
Several men came to the aid of Sala’s victims and he went after them as well. He fought like a demon, but he was only one man and they managed to hold him long enough for a guard to reach them. When Sala tried to kick the guard, the king’s man used his spear to administer a blow to the head and Sala went down.
By now Rahab’s chair had passed and the attention of the crowd turned to the maniac who had begun the fight. Sala was sprawled on the ground, unconscious, with blood running from the wound the spear had opened. Nahshon knelt beside him and, when he saw that his son was still breathing, tears of relief and thanksgiving filled his eyes.
“What was the matter with him?” the guard growled. “Too much to drink?”
“Yes.” Lord Nahshon leaped at the excuse. He stood up to address the guard. “I apologize that my son put you to so much trouble. If you will allow it, I will take him home and sober him up. He is not usually so aggressive, but . . .”
The guard nodded and looked for a long moment at Sala’s recumbent figure. Lying still on the ground, the slender young man looked completely harmless. It was hard to believe he had caused so much damage.
“Don’t let him out of the house until tomorrow,” the guard warned Nahshon. “If he makes any more trouble, he’ll be for the prison.”
“I will take care of him, I promise,” Lord Nahshon said. “Thank you.”
The guard moved away and Lord Nahshon once more knelt beside Sala. He felt his son’s heart, which was beating normally. But the wound on his head was still bleeding. Lord Nahshon looked up, almost frantic with worry. How was he to get Sala away from here?
An elderly woman knelt beside him and said practically, “Here, I have some water. Let me clean that wound.” A younger woman joined her, kneeling on Sala’s other side. “Here, use this scarf, Mother; it’s clean.”
“Thank you. Thank you very much.”
Lord Nahshon was surprised and truly grateful for the help of these good women. He moved to get out of their way, but his eyes remained fixed on his son’s unconscious face.
The older woman looked up to smile at Nahshon. “Some boys should not drink more than a cup. One of my sons is like that. As soon as he drinks too much wine he starts fighting.” She shook her head. “He’s calmed down now that he’s married and has a family, but he gave us a hard time when he was younger.”
“I was not watching him closely enough.” Lord Nahshon was happy to continue with the excuse that Sala had been provoked by too much to drink.
The older woman finished cleaning the wound, and then the younger one pressed the scarf over it tightly, to stop the bleeding.
“Do you think it’s serious?” Lord Nahshon asked, his brow creased with worry.
“No.” The woman with the water was washing the rest of Sala’s face. “The guard only broke the flesh. The bone underneath is untouched. He will be all right, although he will probably have a scar on that handsome face.”
The people who had been watching the little scene began to drift away and Lord Nahshon looked around. The streets were still noisy and crowded; there was little or no chance of finding a litter to take Sala home.
A man came up beside Nahshon. “Ah, there you are, Mama,” he said to the kneeling woman. He looked down into Sala’s unconscious face, then put a hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Always the one to help.” His voice was full of affection.
Lord Nahshon said to the man, “I am grateful for your mother’s kindness. I’m afraid my son got carried away by the excitement of the festival.”
“You have to watch how much they drink,” the man said practically. “They just keep going and don’t keep count.”
“I fear that is what happened,” Lord Nahshon said.
The younger woman who had supplied the scarf said, “Our boys are around here somewhere, my husband. See if you can find them. This poor man will need help getting his son away from here.”
The man nodded and said to Nahshon, “Don’t worry, I’ll find my sons and we’ll help you get him home.”
“Thank you.” For the first time in his life, Lord Nahshon looked at a Canaanite with real gratitude. “I would appreciate that greatly.”
The man laughed as he moved off. “He’ll have a headache that will split his skull in the morning.”
Lord Nahshon said, “Yes. I’m sure he will.”
By tomorrow morning it would be done, he thought with grim satisfaction. The girl would be defiled and that would be that. He shut his eyes briefly. If only he had just sent the girl back to her family while they were still in Gaza. Why, oh why, had he brought her to Ramac with them and given Sala a chance to get to know her? It had been the worst mistake of his life, and he would give his entire fortune if he could reverse that thoughtless decision and so save his son from all this unnecessary temptation and pain.