1. What can you take from the ancient story of Rahab that will apply to your own life in the modern world?
2. How did you feel about this different way of viewing Rahab? She has been known as a prostitute for so long. Did it ever bother you that a prostitute was listed as one of Jesus’s ancestors? Did you think the author was successful in explaining how this reputation might not be true?
3. The instructions of the God of the Old Testament often seem to contradict the teachings of Jesus. Certainly it would be hard to imagine Jesus advocating the murder of entire populations. Can you reconcile the two? And if so, how?
4. What is it that Sala sees in Rahab that makes him love her so much? Was it just her beauty or was there something else?
5. What is it about Sala that is so attractive to Rahab? Is it just the fact that he rescued her from the slavers or is it something more?
6. Rahab and Atene both have their prayers answered by God and this is a vital part of their conversion. Did you find these “miracles” came too quickly to be real? Or did they perhaps remind you of the miracles that Christ worked that resulted in the conversion of so many of the people of His time—or miracles in your own life that have strengthened your faith?
7. Obedience to a father was one of the ethical beliefs of almost every people throughout the world. In the book, Sala feels that he can never go against his father’s wishes, even if it means breaking his own heart. Can you see why this duty to a father might be a good thing? Can you see where it might cause problems for a family and a society?
8. The friendship between Rahab and Atene grows as the book progresses and is a great help to Rahab. How important do you think friendship is to most women? Is it as important as family relationships and if so, how?
9. Fertility religions were practiced throughout the entire ancient world. Can you see why they might have been so prevalent and powerful? What does this say about the importance of revelation?
10. What are some of the essentials of a good marriage? Do you think that Rahab and Sala have them?