Many people have helped in the writing of this book, through reading and reviewing sections of it, making suggestions, generally teaching me about business communication, and supporting my work in different ways. My deep thanks to Gail J. Anderson, Lisa Curry Austin, Penelope Boehm, Professor Ming-Jer Chen, Robert C. Daugherty, Alex Egan, Alan Fierstein, Catherine M. Gleason, Heidi J. Holder, Jen Kruper, Glenn Leibowitz, Byron Loyd, Karina Mikucka, Syed Mohiuddin, Jill Niemczyk Murphy, Fred Null, Alison Paddock, Steven Paddock, Rex B. Posadas, Steven Schwarz, Halvar Trodahl, and Marc Zegans. Special thanks to Stephanie Walls, whose conscientiousness, ace problem-solving skills, and good humor have cleared many obstacles from my path.
The dedicatee, Catherine M. Rose, was my English teacher during my seventh and eighth grade years and has been an important person in my life ever since. Ms. Rose inspired in me—and in many of her other students—a lifelong love of good writing and great literature. Much of the advice you’ll read in this book came to me first from Cathy, and I’m very grateful to her for setting the groundwork for much of my career.
I’m also indebted to the contributors to this book for sharing their special expertise on a variety of business writing topics. The wisdom they’ve shared from their fascinating careers enriches the book tremendously. You can read about them and their expertise in the “Contributors” section (here) and enjoy their insights throughout the book.
Deep gratitude is due to my agent, Jim Levine, of Levine Greenberg Rostan and my editor at W. W. Norton, Jill Bialosky. Thank you both for the opportunities and support.
My author photo was taken by the late and much beloved Arthur Cohen.