Africa, Scramble for
Albert, List Regiment at
All Quiet on the Western Front (film)
Alldeutscher Verband (Pan-German League)
and Treaty of Versailles
at Ypres
break German line
Hundred Days Offensive
superiority 1918, underestimated
Alt, Rudolf von
Alt-Right (Alternative Right)
Altenberg, Jakob, AH and
Alternative for Germany [party]
Amann, Staff Sgt Max, AH and
AH postcards to
on AH
on AH’s first major speech
publishes Mein Kampf
visits AH in prison
American Populist (People’s) Party
joining war
troops arrive on Western Front
Allies fall back to
Battle of
Andenne, civilian massacre
‘Anonymous’, on AH not anti-Semitic
Anschluss 1938
AH early influences
as ‘philosophy’ of Nazism, Mein Kampf on
conspiracy theories, ‘national thinking’ courses
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Röhm’s one-night pogrom
scapegoating, AH exploits
and Versailles provisions
see also specific organizations
Anzacs (Australia New Zealand Army Corps)
at Fromelles
at Passchendaele
breaks German line
architecture, AH and
Arco auf Valley, Count Anton, assassinates Eisner
Armistice signed
AH’s fabrications on
AH’s reaction to
AH on ‘November Criminals’
‘Aryan’ race
AH’s errors on
Pan-Germanism and
Asquith, Herbert, on war declaration
Asquith, Margot, on war declaration
Aubers Ridge, Battle of
Aufbau Vereinigung (Reconstruction Organization)
and Balkans
and Ottoman Turks
and Serbia
and Slavs
Austro-Hungarian Compromise 1867
German Austrians
Parliament, AH contempt for
political situation 1900s
starvation/ destitution
Bachmann, Anton
Balkans, Austria and
Ballerstedt, Otto
Bannon, Steven, senior adviser to Donald Trump
Breitbart News
Economist regrets reporting
on Christian destiny to fight Islam
Barmherzige Schwestern Hospital, Linz
Barth, Emil
anti-Semitism, AH exploits
Bayernbund, AH smashes up meeting
Freikorps paramilitary destroys communist revolution
government, AH and
Marxist revolution
people, destitution and credulity
power vacuum, military controls state administration
Weimar Republic autonomous state
see also Munich
Bechstein, Helene, and AH
visits AH in prison
Beck, General Ludwig, on AH character
Beckmann, Max
Beelitz-Heilstätten hospital
Beer Hall Putsch
German advance into
German atrocities
resists invasion
Berchtesgaden, AH holidays near
AH convalescing
AH plans Mussolini-style March on
Bernhardi, General Friedrich von, influence on Mein Kampf
Bethmann-Hollweg, Chancellor Theobald von
on war declaration
Binchy, Professor Daniel, on AH speeches format/effect
Binion, Rudolph
on AH hypnosis theory
Bismarck, Otto von
AH on
black markets
Bloch, Dr Eduard
AH gratitude
on AH and mother
on AH anatomy
Bloch, Ernst
Böcklin, Arnold
Boer War
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brandmayer, Balthasar
Meldegänger Hitler
Brandt, Karl, on AH mental health
Braun, Eva
Braunau am Inn
Brecht, Bertolt
Breitbart News
and scramble for Africa
and Triple Entente
naval blockade
continued to June 1919
ultimatum to Germany
declares war
British Expeditionary Force, at Ypres
Brookings Institution, on Far Right and Muslim people
Bruckmann, Elsa, visits AH in prison
Bullock, Alan, on AH character
Bülow, General Karl von, Second Army
Bund Reichskriegsflagge
Bürgerbräukeller, Beer Hall Putsch
AH’s speech after prison
Burleigh, Michael, on Germans and Versailles
Café Stefanie (Café Megalomania)
Canadian Corps
at Vimy Ridge
breaks German line
Carruthers, Bob, on AH promotion
Catholic Bavarian People’s Party
Catholic Church, AH and
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century
influence on Mein Kampf
Chaplin, Charlie
Chemin des Dames, List Regiment at
Christian Social Party, Vienna
Churchill, Winston
on AH threat
on AH transformation
Clemenceau, George, on Rhineland
Coburg, Nazi riot
Comines, List Regiment at
lead outcry against war
revolutions destroyed by force
Congress of Vienna, and German Confederation
conservatism, social
Council of the People’s Deputies, Germany
Cox, Jo MP, murdered by neo-fascist
Czechs, Austria–Hungary
dancing, AH on
Danton, Georges Jacques
Daumiller, Oscar, on Ypres
de Gobineau, Arthur
de Gobineau, Arthur, influence on Mein Kampf
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP; German Workers’ Party)
AH joins/galvanizes
Sterneckerbräu tavern meeting
AH early speeches
AH transforms into NSDAP ‘Nazi’ party
see also Nazi Party
Deutsche Werkgemeinschaft
Deutsches Volksblatt
Dickel, Dr Otto
‘Die Wacht am Rhein’
Dillon, Captain Harry, on Germans at Ypres
Dinant, civilian massacre
dispatch runner, AH as
Dix, Otto
Dolchstoss myth
see also ‘stab in the back’ theory
Döllersheim, Lower Austria
Dorpat, Dr Theo, on AH mental health
Downfall (film)
Drexler, Anton
and AH
founds DAP
Nazi party, 25-point Programme
My Political Awakening
placates AH
refuses to join Beer Hall Putsch
Dreyfus affair
Dufter, Georg, AH denounces
Dutch Freedom Party
Eastern Europe, Jewish communities, persecution
Eberle, Henrik, and Neumann, Hans-Joachim, Was Hitler Ill?
Ebert, Friedrich
destroys communist revolution
president of Weimar Republic
Eckart, Dietrich
founds DAP
mentors AH
placates AH
economic injustice, Far Right movements exploit
Economist, the, regrets having to report Bannon
Eher Verlag
Eisner, Kurt
declares socialist state; assassinated
AH walks behind coffin
Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Charleston, neo-fascist attack on
Engelhardt, Lt Col Philipp, AH helps to save
Enlightenment values, promoting/defending
Ensor, Sir Robert, Who Hitler Is
Ernst, Max
Erzberger, Matthias
peace initiative
Esser, Hermann
in 1890s
workers’ movements
European Union, and European peace
Evans, Richard, Lying About Hitler …
Expressionism, Munich
Far Right
and mainstream politics
targets Muslim people
Feder, Gottfried
conspiracy theories
founds DAP
Ferguson, Niall, on WWI causes
Fest, Joachim
on AH
on AH’s first major speech
on Mein Kampf
Feuerbach, Anselm
Fischlham Volkschule
AH arrives
German attack focus
Fleischmann, Justin, on List Regiment casualties
Foch, Marshal Ferdinand
on Flanders
on Passchendaele plan
Ford, Henry, and National Socialist finance
Forster, Professor Edmund
and Germany/Austria
and Scramble for Africa
forces exhausted
Jewish communities, persecution
Le Penists
occupies Ruhr valley
Franck, Hans, and DAP
Franco-Prussian War
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke
and Slavs
Frederick the Great
Freikorps paramilitary
Freinberg Hill, Linz
French, Field Marshal Sir John
Freud, Sigmund
Frick, Wilhelm, Beer Hall Putsch, arrested
Fromelles, Battle of
‘Führer vom Volk’ (‘Ruler of the People’) title
Galton, Francis, eugenics
Gemlich, Adolf, AH letter to
genocide, AH on
German Army
and Russian Army collapse
at Ypres
Belgium atrocities
civilian massacre as punishment
German Military Code
Langemarck, Battle of
Spring Offensive
see also List Regiment; specific battles
German Austrians
German identity, Bismarck and
German Socialist Party (Deutschsozialistische Partei; DSP)
German supremacists see Pan-Germanism
1890s economy
and Scramble for Africa
economic/political success
German Confederation
Imperial Germany, creation
social welfare
WWI, beginning
and Triple Entente (Britain, France, Russia)
and Russia
attitude to war
effects of war
Bethmann-Hollweg on
British naval blockade
continued to June 1919
civilian deaths from hunger
financial crisis
food/resource appropriation
public feeling
1918 strikes
mothers, anger
Versailles provisions
reparations contract
Ruhr valley, France and Belgium occupy
Weimar Republic
government emerges
Freikorps destroys communist revolution
orders Nazis disbanded
Gibbs, Philip, on demoralized Germans
‘Gilded Age’
Glaeser, Ernst, on German starvation
Godin, Police Lt Baron Michael von, halts Odeonsplatz march
Goebbels, Dr Joseph
on AH
writes to AH in prison
Goldzier, Hans
Goltz, Field Marshal Colmar Freiherr von der, and Kriegsbrauch
Göring, Hermann
and Beer Hall Putsch
unable to control crowd
shot in leg
on AH
SA commander
Gough, General Sir Hubert
Greece, Golden Dawn [party]
Greiner, Helmuth, on AH character
Grey, Edward, on war declaration
Gropius, Walter
Grosz, George
Gumpendorferstrasse convent
Gutmann, First Lt Hugo
on AH as good soldier
AH lies about in
Häbel, Fusilier Guard, on British aircraft
Haig, Field Marshal Sir Douglas
and Passchendaele disaster
‘backs to the wall’ order
Hamann, Brigitte, Hitler’s Vienna
Hanfstaengl, Ernst
on AH moustache
on AH sexuality
on AH speeches
Hanfstaengl family, and AH
Hanfstaengl, Helene
on AH sexuality
shelters AH after Beer Hall Putsch
Hanisch, Magdalena
Hanisch, Reinhold
AH orders killed
and AH destitution
and AH painting
on AH not anti-Semitic
Harari, Yuval Noah, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Harrer, Karl, founds DAP
Hašek, Jaroslav, The Good Soldier Švejk
Hastière, civilian massacre
Hausen, General Max von, Third Army
Häusler, Rudolf
on AH not anti-Semitic
with AH in Munich
Heiden, Konrad
on AH and Hess
on AH destitution
‘Heil Hitler!’ greeting begun
Henry le Despenser
Hepp, Ernst
AH letters to
and AH draft avoidance
Herrnstein, Richard, and Murray, Charles, The Bell Curve …
Hess, Rudolf
AH dictates Mein Kampf to
and AH
and Beer Hall Putsch
given 18 months
in Landsberg Prison
on AH stature in Landsberg
Heydrich, Reinhard, assassination
Hiedler (Hitler), Johann Georg
Himmler, Heinrich, and Röhm’s one-night pogrom
Hindenburg, General Paul von, Spring Offensive
Hitler, Adolf
opinions/motivations; general discussion
acted with worldwide appeasement/complicity
attempts to comprehend
later apologists
medically normal and completely accountable
Mein Kampf see Mein Kampf
on genocide
on propaganda techniques
‘Table Talk’ monologues
specific opinions see below under specific life periods
family, and German identity
Jewish grandfather myth
and Catholic Church
and father
and Karl May novels
and mother
as bully
at school
adolescence facts suppressed
lottery incident
radical bohemian
and mother’s breast cancer
and mother’s death
appearance/personality, Kubizek on
verbal outbursts
in Vienna first visit
and Neumann
and Wagner operas
beginning Vienna life
dabbling in arts
art & career hopes
sketch, ‘Our Bedroom’
fails Art Academy entrance
paintings/postcard sales
and Hanisch
later suppresses accounts
paints for living
paintings sold
in shelter celibacy
political self-education
joins no party
reading habits
Germanic myths
on art of proper reading
pamphlets/ press
opinions not anti-Semitic
Jewish friends
no Art Academy connection
on own anti-Semitism
on Marxism
on poor working people
‘Aryan’ race
and WWI
on Balkans
on Bismarck
leaves to avoid Austrian draft
in Munich
arrest and draft boards
painting sales
and Odeonsplatz demonstration
in List Regiment
on self and WWI beginning
and Amann
as dispatch runner
as good soldier
journey to Western Front
journey to Lille
arrives Flanders
and Frontschweine soldiers
at Fromelles
at Langemarck
effect of
later fantasy on battles
at First Ypres
at Fifth Ypres
awarded Iron Cross (2nd Class)
awarded Iron Cross (First Class)
belief in victory
by Spring Offensive plans
mustard gas poisoning
in Pasewalk hospital
promoted to Gefreiter ‘senior private’
rejoins List Regiment
wounded at Somme
Fournes-en-Weppes, leisure time
fox terrier
leave in Germany
‘man of destiny’ self-portrayal
no letters from home
anti-Semitism post-
Christmas truce, disgusted by
learns from Goltz
on celibacy
German surrender
conspiracy ‘stab in the back’ theory
contempt for starving Germans
disgust at mass capitulation
on defeatists/enemies at home
reaction to Armistice
on war and Pasewalk transformation
poor health
unemployed veteran
and revolution, remains in barracks & harangues veterans
involvement with revolutionary communists
walks behind Eisner’s coffin
rejects Freikorps; joins Soldiers’ Council
abandons communists for far right
Reichswehr informer, ‘investigating commission’
and conspiracy theories
attends ‘national thinking’ courses
promoted to ‘Enlightenment Squad’
‘Enlightenment Squad’ instructor
anti-Semitic scapegoating
letter to Gemlich
on Jews responsible for Versailles provisions
sent to DAP meeting
joins/reorganizes DAP
DAP member
early speeches
as ‘avenger of Christianity’
first major speech
Eckart protégé
plans state seizure/control
transforms into NSDAP ‘Nazi’ party
Nazi party member
25-point Programme
and Hess
anti-Semitism intensified
Circus Krone speech
storms out of Dickel meeting
to exterminate Marxist socialism
unknown outside Bavaria
vigilante justice vs democracy
Nazi party leader
‘Heil Hitler!’ greeting begun
addressed as ‘Führer’
and Ruhr valley French occupation
anti-Semitism consistent
attends brawls behind bodyguard
Beer Hall Putsch
lies at launch
orders hostages taken
runs away from Odeonsplatz
trial, performance
given 5 years
and information
and women
childish sensitivity
develops image/appearance
mental health
perfects speaking style
physical health
chooses swastika emblem
considers German state takeover
courts Munich society
imprisoned briefly
Kahr and
plans Mussolini-style March on Berlin
reorganizes party
threatens and waits
in Landsberg Prison
birthday gifts/letters
comfortable in
vegetarian teetotal diet
writes Mein Kampf
Hitler, Alois (AH’s father)
and AH’s art ambitions
and anti-Semitism
father unknown
Hitler, Alois Jr
Hitler, Angela
Hitler, Edmund
Hitler, Klara (neé Pölzl; AH’s mother)
and AH art study plan
breast cancer, AH and
Hitler, Maria Anna (AH’s grandmother)
Hitler, Otto
Hitler, Patrick
Hitler, Paula
Hitlerputsch, Beer Hall Putsch
Ho Chi Minh
Hofbräuhaus, Munich
Nazi 25-point Programme introduced
Hofbräukeller beer hall, AH’s first major speech
Hoffman, Frau Carola, and AH
Hoffman, Josef
Honisch, Karl, on AH not anti-Semitic
Hopkins, Katie, on final solution
Hörbiger, Hanns, World Ice Theory
Hötzendorf, Count Conrad von, AH on
Huemer, Dr Eduard, on AH
Human Dignity Institute
Hungarians, Austria–Hungary
Huntington, Samuel P., The Clash of Civilisations
imperialism, new
inflation, AH blames Jews
Irving, David
Isak, Stefanie, AH obsessed with
Jawlensky, Alexej von
Jekelius, Erwin
Jewish people
as enemies at home, AH on
communities, persecution
Pan-Germanism and
not full suffrage
scapegoated by Lueger
see also anti-Semitism
Judaism, pseudo-scientific conflation with Marxism
Jünger, Ernst
Kahr, Gustav von
state commissar for Knilling
captured by Beer Hall Putsch rejects AH threats
secures city and declares coup over
Kaiserschlacht, Spring Offensive
Kampfbund, league of far-right militias
Kandinsky, Wassily
Keegan, John, on BEF at Ypres
Kershaw, Ian
on AH and hatred
on AH sightlessness reaction
on Alois Hitler
on Viennese Jews
Kiel Barracks, sailors’ mutiny
Kindermord bei Ypern
Kipling, John (son of Rudyard)
Klee, Paul
Klimt, Gustav, AH detests
Kluck, General Alexander von, First Army
on civilian massacre as punishment
Knilling, Eugen Ritter von
declares martial law
Kokoschka, Oskar, AH detests
Körner, Oskar
Kriebel, Hermann, Kampfbund leader, in Landsberg Prison
Kriegsbrauch im Landkriege
Ku Klux Klan
Kubizek, August (‘Gustl’)
at Vienna Conservatory
The Young Hitler I Knew
on AH and celibacy
on AH and mother’s breast cancer
on AH not anti-Semitic
on AH reading
Kuhl, General Hermann von, on Ypres
Labour Party
Landsberg Prison, AH comfortable in
Langemarck, Battle of
effect on AH
Lanzhammer, Karl
Le Cateau, AH awarded Iron Cross (First Class)
Le Transloy, Battle of
Lechfeld, List Regiment training at
Lenin, Vladimir Ilych
Leonding, Hitler family at
Lerchenfeld, Hugo Max Graf von und zu
Lidice, massacre
Liebenfels, Josef Adolf Lanz von
Liebknecht, Karl, declares Free Socialist Republic
Liège, attack on
Lille, German HQ
Linnaeus, Carl
opera house
Realschule, AH at
Linz area, Pan-Germans
Linz Programme, ‘Germanicization’
List, Guido von
List Regiment (16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry) at Western Front
AH in
AH rejoins
at Fromelles
at Oise–Aisne Canal
at Somme
at Vimy Ridge
at Ypres
at Third Ypres
Jewish members
journey to Western Front
morale collapse
relegated to reserve
Spring Offensive casualties
Lloyd-Burch, Sgt David, on Christmas truce
Lloyd George, David
Loffner, Siegfried, AH and
Loos, Adolf
Loos, Battle of, British debacle
Lossow, General Otto von
denounces AH at Beer Hall Putsch trial
Louvain, destruction/massacre
Ludendorff, General Erich
Spring Offensive
on ‘stab in the back’
and Beer Hall Putsch backs AH
releases Kahr, Lossow and Seisser
orders march through streets
trial, acquitted
visits AH in prison
Ludwig III, King of Bavaria
at Lille
forced to abdicate
Lueger, Dr Karl, anti-Semitism
influence on Mein Kampf
Luther, Martin, The Jews and Their Lies
AH on
influence on Mein Kampf
Lutherans, anti-Semitism
Luxemburg, Rosa, killed by Freikorps
Machine Age technology
Macke, August
Macleod, Prof. Sandy, on historic breast cancer treatment
Mahler, Gustav
Mair, Thomas, neo-fascist
Malcolm, Sir Neill, on ‘stab in the back’
Mann, Thomas
Marcuse, Herbert
Mariahilf, Vienna, AH’s room
Marne, Battle of
Second Battle of
Marr, Wilhelm, influence on Mein Kampf
Marx, Karl
AH on
enemies at home, AH on
Nazis to exterminate
pseudo-scientific conflation with Judaism
Marxist revolution, Bavaria
Maser, Werner
Maurice, Emil
Beer Hall Putsch, arrested
helps transcribe Mein Kampf
in Landsberg Prison
SA neutralizes Bavarian government
May, Karl, westerns
AH and
influence on Mein Kampf
Mayr, Captain Karl
assigns AH to Reichswehr ‘investigating commission’
on AH political vacillation
sends AH on ‘national thinking’ courses
sends AH to DAP meeting
Mein Kampf (My Struggle)
AH writes in Landsberg Prison
anti-Semitism as ‘philosophy’ of Nazism
errors and fabrications
influences on
ignored/ridiculed by outsiders
influences fascist movements abroad
Mend, Hans, on AH
Menzel, Adolph von
Metzsch, General Horst von, on Langemarck
Meyer, Adolf, on Ypres
Milton, Private H. J., on Ypres
Modernist movement
AH detests
Monash, General Sir John
Montdidier, List Regiment casualties
Moorhouse, Roger, on AH teeth
Morell, Theodor, on AH mental health
Morgenstern, Samuel, AH and
Müller, Dr Karl von, on AH at Beer Hall Putsch
AH convalescing
AH living in
AH returns to
far-right political cells
Odeonsplatz demonstration
see also under Hitler; Nazi party; specific events
Murray, Charles, and Herrnstein, Richard, The Bell Curve …
Murray, Douglas, The Strange Death of Europe
Murray, Dr Henry, on AH mental health
Muslim people, far-right targets
Mussolini, Benito
and Italian national socialism
March on Rome inspires AH
mustard gas, effects
Namur, civilian massacre
National Socialist movement
DAP and
USA [modern]
vs socialism
see also Hitler, Adolf; Nazi party
nationalism, militant
Naumann, Friedrich, National-Social Association
Nazi Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP)
25-point Programme
AH plans state seizure/control
Beer Hall Putsch
German government orders disbanded
outlawed; continues under Rosenberg
speaking events, brawls
see also Hitler, Adolf
Nazis, modern
accountable because informed
attack in Charlottesville
see also Far Right
Neidhardt, Georg, and AH Beer Hall Putsch trial
Nepomuk, Johann Hüttler (Hitler)
Neumann, Hans-Joachim, and Eberle, Henrik, Was Hitler Ill?
Neumann, Josef, AH and
Neunzert, Max
Neuve Chapelle, Battle of
New Republic
New York Times
New Yorker
Nicholas, Tsar, warnings on Serbia
Nietzsche, Friedrich
AH on
influence on Mein Kampf
Night of the Long Knives
‘November Criminals’, see Armistice
November Revolution
Odeonsplatz demonstration
Operation Georgette, Passchendaele falls
Operation Michael, Allies fall back
Organisation Consul
Osborn, Max, Berlin
Ostara journal, and swastika
Ostend, List Regiment rest at
Ottoman Turks, Habsburgs and
Pakenham, Thomas, The Scramble for Africa
Pan-German League (Alldeutscher Verband)
and WWI
and Versailles
influence on Mein Kampf
Linz area
Parti socialiste de France
Pasewalk hospital, AH in
Passau, Bavaria, Hitler family at
British offensive
Pétain, Marshal Philippe
Petz, Lt Col Friedrich, on AH as good soldier
Picardy, Somme Battle
Piketty, Thomas
on 1890s wealth
on social/economic inequity
Plato, on breeding a Master Race
Poetsch, Dr Leopold, influence on AH
Pöhner, Ernst
backs AH
Beer Hall Putsch, arrested
poison gas
List Regiment and
AH, mustard gas effects
Poles, Austria–Hungary
Pölzl, Johanna (Hanitante)
Popp family
AH letters to
Frau Anna
populism, exploitative
Princip, Gavrilo
Prinz, Johann, on AH confirmation
Prochnik, George, on ignoring Mein Kampf
propaganda techniques, Mein Kampf on
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
influence on Mein Kampf
Prussian militarists
Rabatsch, Maximilian
AH’s errors on
hatred, AH early influences
racist thought, as common discourse in Europe
supremacism, Europe
see also anti-Semitism
Rathenau, Walter
Raubal, Angela (Geli), AH and
visits AH in prison
reading, AH on art of proper reading
Reichswehr (Weimar Army)
‘investigating commission’, AH informer
Reinhardt, Max
religious resurgence
Rhineland, to be demilitarized
Rhinelanders, AH on
Rienzi, AH visualizes self as
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Robertson, Sir Charles Grant, on AH and Mein Kampf
Röhm, Ernst
and Beer Hall Putsch
ordered to seize army barracks
organizes pogrom in wealthier areas
Odeonsplatz march
suspended sentence
SA commander
Working Association of Patriotic Fighting Organizations
Rolland, Romain, on Louvain
Roller, Alfred
AH avoids
Roof, Dylann Storm, neo-fascist
Rosenberg, Alfred
and Beer Hall Putsch
and DAP
leads underground Nazis
on Vedic Indians
placates AH
visits AH in prison
Rottmann, Carl
Ruhr valley, France and Belgium occupy
Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria
and Germany/Austria
and Serbs
becomes USSR 1922
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1918
army collapse, revolution/desertion
SA see Sturmabteilung (SA; Brownshirts)
sailors’ mutiny, Kiel Barracks
Salzburg draft board
Scheidemann, Philipp
chancellor German Republic
on Versailles
Scheubner-Richter, Max Erwin von, shot at Odeonsplatz
Schicklgruber, Maria Anna see Hitler, Maria Anna
Schiele, Egon, AH detests
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich
Schlehuber, Michel, on AH
Schlieffen Plan
Schmidt, Ernst, and AH
Schoenberg, Arnold, AH detests
Schönerer, Georg Ritter von
influence on AH
on celibacy
Schönerer, influence on Mein Kampf
Schopenhauer, Arthur
influence on Mein Kampf
Schramm, Percy Ernst
on AH and information
on AH appearance
on AH character(s)
on AH speeches format
Schwabing, Munich
Sébastien le Prestre de Vauban
Seisser, Colonel Hans Ritter von
Semper, Gottfried
Serbia, Austria-Hungary and
Russia backs
Sheffield, Gary, on Hundred Days Offensive
Shirer, William, on Poetsch
Austria-Hungary and
lands, Linz Programme and
Pan-Germanism and
social conservatism
social injustice, Far Right movements exploit
social welfare, Germany pre–1914
Social Darwinism
Social Democrats, Vienna
enemies at home, AH on
lead outcry against war
Sombart, Werner
‘Our Enemies’
Händler und Helden
Somme, Battle of the
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD/ MSPD)
Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei (SAPD)
Spartakusbund (Spartacist League)
Spatny, Lieutenant Colonel Emil
Speer, Albert
on AH and Karl May novels
on AH intimates
Spring Offensive
AH exhilarated by plans
retreat begins
‘stab in the back’ theory
Stein, Franz
Sterneckerbräu tavern, DAP meeting
Steyr Realschule
Stosstrupp members, in Landsberg Prison
Strauss, Richard
Streicher, Julius
on AH
visits AH in prison
Sturmabteilung (SA; Brownshirts)
NSDAP militia
outlawed after Beer Hall Putsch
Surice, civilian massacre
swastika (Hakenkreuz)
adopted as Nazi emblem
neo-Nazi use
‘Table Talk’ monologues
Tamines, civilian massacre
tank fright, German
Tannenberg, Battle of (Eastern Front)
Taylor, A. J. P.
on Habsburg lands
on reparations contract
Thule Society
DAP and
Tirpitz, Admiral Alfred von, on Bethmann-Hollweg
Tito, Josip Broz, national communism
Toller, Ernst
Traunstein, AH prison camp guard
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1918
Treaty of Versailles provisions, AH on
Trebitsch, Arthur
Treitschke, Heinrich von, influence on Mein Kampf
Triple Entente (Britain, France, Russia), Germany and
Trump, Donald, Bannon as senior adviser
Tubeuf, Major Anton Freiherr von
U-boat bases, Belgian coast
AH visits
British seize
UK Independence Party
Ullrich, Volker
on AH and women
on AH anti-Semitism
on AH childhood
on AH Munich anti-Semitism
on AH supporters motivation
United States of America (USA)
Alt-Right (Alternative Right)
economy 1890s
National Socialist movement [modern]
Urfahr, Hitler family apartment
Vedic Indians
AH first visit
AH living in
leaves to avoid draft
Art Academy
AH fails entrance
Brigittenau, Meldemannstrasse
Fünfhaus district, AH living in
Jewish population
Kunsthistorisches Museum
racial mélange, AH and
Vimy Ridge
Vincent, Paul, on German starvation
Völkischer Beobachter (newspaper)
AH scripts published
on Versailles
Wagner, Otto
Wagner, Richard
AH on
Flying Dutchman
influence on Mein Kampf
AH visualizes self as
Tristan and Isolde
Wagner, Winifred
Wannsee Conference
Wasen, Eugen, on AH anatomy
Weber, Friedrich, Bund Oberland leader, in Landsberg Prison
Weber, Thomas, Hitler’s First War
Weimar Republic
AH on
Bavaria autonomous state of
inflation, AH blames Jews
liberal ministers murdered
Weininger, Otto
Wellhausen, Sgt, on Ypres 3
Weltanschauung, and art of proper reading
Westenkirchner, Ignaz
on AH
Western Front, influence on Mein Kampf
Wiedemann, Captain Fritz
on AH
on Somme
Wilhelm II, Kaiser
and war declaration
AH on
flees into exile
Wilson, Woodrow, on self-determination
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
AH and
Wolf, Karl Hermann
workers, social welfare, Germany pre-1914
workers’ movements
Working Association of Patriotic Fighting Organizations
Württemberg, Albrecht, Duke of
German objective
Christmas truce
First Battle of
Third Battle of
British aircraft
Fourth Battle of
Fifth Battle of, List Regiment at
Zakreys, Maria
Zionist political movement, AH on
Zweig, Stefan, on ignoring Mein Kampf