
Determine Your Learning Style

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1  I would rather read a

A  magazine

B  novel

C  Website

2  If I am reading a book, I prefer

A  one with a lot of pictures and charts

B  fiction

C  a graphic novel or comic

3  In a restaurant, what distracts me most is

A  loud music

B  too many decorations on the walls

C  drawing on the table

4  When I have to make a large decision, I

A  think about it in a quiet place

B  make lists

C  think about it while moving around

5  When I need to make a decision, I

A  talk to my friends and family

B  read about the subject

C  go with my gut

6  When choosing clothes, I

A  like to wear my favorite things most of the time

B  take my time and find the right match

C  take what’s clean or the first thing I see

7  In meetings, I

A  listen and remember

B  take lots of notes and try to get everything important on paper

C  write only what pertains to me, frequently doodling the rest of the time

8  When relating a story to a friend, I

A  start at the beginning and tell the entire story

B  tell the main point and fill in details only when I have to

C  jump around from one important idea to the next

9  When I am anxious, I

A  talk over in my head what worries me most

B  visualize the worst-case scenarios

C  can’t sit still, fidget, and move around constantly

10  I speak with

A  few gestures

B  no gestures

C  many gestures

11  I remember best what I

A  said and heard

B  saw

C  did

12  I like to

A  be read to

B  read silently

C  read aloud to others

13  When trying new things, I

A  look at the diagrams in the directions and then jump in, coming back to the directions only if I need them

B  read and follow the directions systematically

C  ignore the directions and use the trial-and-error method

14  When I need help, I

A  ask others

B  research

C  look around and see what others are doing

15  In my free time, I like to

A  listen to music or talk with friends

B  read or play on the computer

C  go out and do something

16  When playing a game, I tend to

A  pay close attention to the other players and what they are doing

B  watch the board or screen and plan my next moves

C  get very excited

17  I most readily remember

A  lyrics or words

B  tunes

C  what I was doing when I heard that song

18  I find it easier to remember

A  names

B  faces

C  where I met someone and what we were doing

19  I react to

A  the tone in which something is said

B  the literal meaning of what is said

C  the manner in which something is said (body language and volume)

20  In my free time, I like to

A  watch TV, listen to music, or talk to friends on the phone

B  read or surf the web

C  do something active

21  When I operate new equipment, I generally

A  listen to an explanation from someone who has used it before

B  read the instructions first

C  jump in and figure it out as I go

22  When I concentrate, I usually

A  think about the problem and the possible solutions in my head

B  close my eyes or stare into space

C  move around a lot, fiddle with pens and pencils, and touch things

23  I purchase things because I like

A  the descriptions the salespeople give me

B  their colors and how they look

C  their textures and what it feels like to touch them