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Imperial Library
1. States and Contemporary Conflict
1. Conceptualizing State Counterterrorism
2. Terrorism and Counterterrorism: The Criticality of Context
3. The Challenges of Defining Terrorism for Counter-Terrorism Policy
4. Evaluating the ‘Success’ and ‘Failure’ of Counterterrorism Policy and Practice
5. Counterterrorism and Society: The Contradiction of the Surveillance State – Understanding the Relationship Among Communities, State Authorities, and Society
6. Facing States of Fear: The Emerging Issues of Terrorism and Counterterrorism in Transitional Justice
2. North America
7. A ‘Paradigm of Prevention:’ United States Counterterrorism Strategies in a Transnational World
8. Canada’s National Counterterrorism Strategy and Challenges of Community Based Intervention in Countering Radicalization
9. Domestic and Transnational Dimensions of Counterterrorism Policy in Mexico
3. South America
10. ‘Glocalizing’ Counterterrorism Law and Policy in the Caribbean: Between State Vulnerability and Independence
11. Counterterrorism in Brazil: From Dictatorship to Democratic Times
12. The Colombian Case: Rebranding Counterinsurgency as Counterterrorism
4. Europe
13. The European Union against Terrorism: Challenges and Future Opportunities
14. The Practice of Counterterrorism in the United Kingdom and its Sociopolitical Effects
15. Traveling along Sword’s Edge: Germany’s Ambivalence between Protecting Civil Rights of Muslim Communities and Fighting Terror
16. Walking a Thin Line: The Netherland’s Counterterrorism Challenge
17. Counterterrorism Policies and Institutions in Northern Europe and the Baltic States
18. Between Trust and Oppression: Contemporary Counter-Terror Policies in Denmark
19. The Perils and Prospects of the French Approach to Counterterrorism
20. Independence Through Terrorism? The Linkages Between Secessionism and Terrorism in the Basque Country
21. The Italian Way of Counterterrorism: From a Consolidated Experience to an Integrated Approach
22. Counterterrorism Policy and Legislation in Greece
5. Eurasia
23. Russia’s Counterterrorism Policy: Variations of an Imperial Theme
24. Belarus: Preventing Terrorism in Preemptive Authoritarianism
25. Central Asia and Counterterrorism: The Contrasting Cases of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
6. South Asia, East Asia, and South East Asia
26. India’s Counterterrorism Policy: Tackling Terrorism Within State Boundaries
27. Security Governance in the Post-Colony: The Political and Social Consequences of Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Strategy
28. Countering Terrorism in Bangladesh
29. Countering Terrorism in Sri Lanka
30. Dancing on a Live Volcano: The Perils of Japan’s Counterterrorism Policy
31. In the Name of Integrity and Security: China’s Counterterrorist Policies
32. Lone-Wolf Terrorism and Taiwan’s Counterterrorist Policies
33. Refining the Role of Audience in Securitization: Southeast Asia’s Fight Against Terrorism
34. On the Horns of a Dilemma: State, Security, and Militancy in Indonesia
35. The Changing Threat Landscape: Countering Terrorism in Singapore
36. Malaysia’s Counterterrorism Policy
37. Strengthening the Hull: The Philippines’ Strategic and Operational Counterterrorism Campaigns
7. The Middle East
38. The Gulf Cooperation Council, Saudi Arabia and a Turbulent Region: Evolving Counterterrorism Strategies
39. Ne Mutlu Turkum Diyene: The Turkish Dilemma and the Rise of Terrorism
40. Diving For Pearls: Shia Insurgency and Counterterrorism Measures in Bahrain
41. Shifting Priorities: Reconstituting Security Agendas and Security Sector Reforms in Yemen
42. Turning Strengths into Vulnerabilities: The Logic Behind Israeli Coercion of Nonstate Adversaries
43. A Primer on the Impact of Islamic State on Counterterrorism Legislation
8. Africa
44. The Challenges and Prospects of Security Sector Manoeuvrability over Terrorism in Somalia
45. Assessing Terrorist Threats and Counterterrorism Reponses in Post-Gaddafi Libya
46. A Problem for Tomorrow? Tunisia, Morocco, and Foreign Fighters
47. Counterinsurgency Strategies and the Approach to Peace in Somalia: An Appraisal of the African Union
48. “Laws for Sale:” The Domestication of Counterterrorism Policies and Its Impact in Nigeria
49. When Diplomacy Identifies Terrorism: Subjects, Identity and Agency in the ‘War on Terror’ in Mali
50. Corruption, Human Rights Violation and Counterterrorism Policies in Kenya
51. Ambivalence in Counterterrorism Efforts: The Case of South Africa
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