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Imperial Library
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Title Page
1 Prologue
2 Chronology
3 Impacts and Images
1: Chineseness fundamental to Hong Kong
2: The western aesthetic superimposed
3: Architecture of a somewhat mixed character
4: Impact of energy and ostentation
5: Days at the races
6: Mayhem a tradition of Hong Kong
7: Crime and corruption in the air
8: Sexual licence a Hong Kong reputation
9: Festivity shared by all races and ranks
10: A two-mile walk
11: Chinese and western cultures overlap
12: Culture shock still a hazard
13: Pressures of change and opportunism
14: Equivocal responses
4 1840s: On the Foreshore
5 Peoples
1: A variety of travellers
2: British the oldest hands
3: Signs and customs of the taipans
4: A mixed bourgeoisie
5: Britons of a simpler kind
6: Dinner with a mandarin
7: British no band of brothers
8: Foreigners among the first settlers
9: Later arrivals
10: A pre-eminence of Americans
11: American attitudes opaque
12: Chinese provide the norm
13: A mixture of fun and earnestness
14: The past still powerful
15: Chinese culture all-pervasive
16: Traditions are institutionalized
17: The wind and water
18: Extraordinary Chineseness of the Chinese
6 1880s: The Compleat Colony
7 Means of Support
1: Harbourage the first purpose of Hong Kong
2: Old industries of the sea
3: New service trades
4: Communications always easy
5: Importance of intelligence
6: The brio of capitalism
7: Tourism incidental to the nature of Hong Kong
8: Manufacturing now the chief function
9: The old hongs still powerful
10: Some celebrated money-makers
11: Chinese now the dominant capitalists
12: Flexibility
8 1920s: Dogdays
9 Control Systems
1: In Statue Square
2: Manners of the Legislative Council
3: An obsolete entity preserved
4: The imperial factor
5: Imperialism and the New Territories
6: Colonialism almost gone
7: Hong Kong an ambiguous possession
8: An enormous civil service
9: An assortment of jurists
10: Privy Council the ultimate court
11: Sensational tendencies
12: A tight-run colony
13: Halfway to a Welfare State
14: Efficiency still the aim
15: The public-private alliance
10 1940s: War and Peace
11 The Landlord
1: A reminder of Chinese constancy
2: Unequal treaties the basis of Hong Kong
3: Hong Kong’s role never passive
4: A potent example
5: No ignoring the presence of China
6: An assistant capital?
7: On the frontier
8: The return to China long mooted
9: Towards a settlement
10: A unique agreement
11: A Thursday morning
12 The Final Edition
13 Reading List
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