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Imperial Library
Part One: All Quiet on the Western Front
1. Condor Squadron
2. The Old Man
3. Past Midnight
4. Grey Eminences
5. The Prophet of Prague
6. Mata Hari
7. Kate
8. Castle Keep
9. La Morte Parisienne
10. In Lofty Circles
11. What Kate Did Next
12. Bloodlines
13. Dr Moreau and Mr West
14. Kate and Edwin
Part Two: No Man's Land
15. The Vile, the Violent and the Vein
16. Twice Bitten
17. A Solitary Cyclist
18. Hell's Angels
19. Biggles Flies West
20. Foreign Field
21. The Castle
22. Troglodytes
23. Some of Our Aircraft are Missing
24. Hanging on the Old Barbed Wire
25. Dressing Down
26. A Walk in the Sun
Part Three: Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man
27. The Red Battle Flier
28. The Moon also Rises
29. Watching the Hawk
30. Returned to Life
31. A Poet's Warrior
32. A Restorative
33. The Killer
34. An Immelmann Turn
35. Important Visitors
36. Dark-Adapted
37. Master of the World
Part Four: Journey's End
38. Offensive Patrol
39. Up at the Front
40. Kill the Dragon
41. Kaiserschlacht
42. Night of the Generals
43. Attila Falling
44. Kagemusha Monogaturi
45. To End that Spree
46. Valhalla
47. Aftermath
48. England Calls
49. Resolutions
Author's Note and Acknowledgements
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