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Part I - Agent-Based Modeling and NetLogo Basics
1 - Models, Agent-Based Models, and the Modeling Cycle
1.1 - Introduction, Motivation, and Objectives
1.2 - What is a Model?
1.3 - The Modeling Cycle
1.4 - What is Agent-Based Modeling? How is It Different?
1.5 - Summary and Conclusions
1.6 - Exercises
2 - Getting Started with NetLogo
2.1 - Introduction and Objectives
2.2 - A Quick Tour of NetLogo
2.3 - A Demonstration Program: Mushroom Hunt
2.4 - Summary and Conclusions
2.5 - Exercises
3 - Describing and Formulating ABMs: The Odd Protocol
3.1 - Introduction and Objectives
3.2 - What is Odd and Why Use it?
3.3 - The Odd Protocol
3.4 - Our First Example: Virtual Corridors of Butterflies
3.5 - Summary and Conclusions
3.6 - Exercises
4 - Implementing a First Agent-Based Model
4.1 - Introduction and Objectives
4.2 - Odd and NetLogo
4.3 - Butterfly Hilltopping: From Odd to NetLogo
4.4 - Comments and the Full Program
4.5 - Summary and Conclusions
4.6 - Exercises
5 - From Animations to Science
5.1 - Introduction and Objectives
5.2 - Observation of Corridors
5.3 - Analyzing the Model
5.4 - Time-Series Results: Adding Plots and File Output
5.5 - A Real Landscape
5.6 - Summary and Conclusions
5.7 - Exercises
6 - Testing Your Program
6.1 - Introduction and Objectives
6.2 - Common Kinds of Errors
6.3 - Techniques for Debugging and Testing NetLogo Programs
6.4 - Documentation of Tests
6.5 - An Example and Exercise: The Marriage Model
6.6 - Summary and Conclusions
6.7 - Exercises
Part II - Model Design Concepts
7 - Introduction to Part II
7.1 - Objectives of Part II
7.2 - Overview
8 - Emergence
8.1 - Introduction and Objectives
8.2 - A Model with Less-Emergent Dynamics
8.3 - Simulation Experiments and BehaviorSpace
8.4 - A Model with Complex Emergent Dynamics
8.5 - Summary and Conclusions
8.6 - Exercises
9 - Observation
9.1 - Introduction and Objectives
9.2 - Observing the Model via NetLogo's View
9.3 - Other Interface Displays
9.4 - File Output
9.5 - BehaviorSpace as an Output Writer
9.6 - Export Primitives and Menu Commands
9.7 - Summary and Conclusions
9.8 - Exercises
10 - Sensing
10.1 - Introduction and Objectives
10.2 - Who Knows What: The Scope of Variables
10.3 - Using Variables of Other Objects
10.4 - Putting Sensing to Work: The Business Investor Model
10.5 - Summary and Conclusions
10.6 - Exercises
11 - Adaptive Behavior and Objectives
11.1 - Introduction and Objectives
11.2 - Identifying and Optimizing Alternatives in NetLogo
11.3 - Adaptive Behavior in the Business Investor Model
11.4 - Non-optimizing Adaptive Traits: A Satisficing Example
11.5 - The Objective Function
11.6 - Summary and Conclusions
11.7 - Exercises
12 - Prediction
12.1 - Introduction and Objectives
12.2 - Example Effects of Prediction: The Business Investor Model's Time Horizon
12.3 - Implementing and Analyzing Submodels
12.4 - Analyzing the Investor Utility Function
12.5 - Modeling Prediction Explicitly
12.6 - Summary and Conclusions
12.7 - Exercises
13 - Interaction
13.1 - Introduction and Objectives
13.2 - Programming Interaction in NetLogo
13.3 - The Telemarketer Model
13.4 - The March of Progress: Global Interaction
13.5 - Direct Interaction: Mergers in the Telemarketer Model
13.6 - The Customers Fight Back: Remembering Who Called
13.7 - Summary and Conclusions
13.8 - Exercises
14 - Scheduling
14.1 - Introduction and Objectives
14.2 - Modeling Time in NetLogo
14.3 - Summary and Conclusions
14.4 - Exercises
15 - Stochasticity
15.1 - Introduction and Objectives
15.2 - Stochasticity in ABMs
15.3 - Pseudorandom Number Generation in NetLogo
15.4 - An Example Stochastic Process: Empirical Model of Behavior
15.5 - Summary and Conclusions
15.6 - Exercises
16 - Collectives
16.1 - Introduction and Objectives
16.2 - What are Collectives?
16.3 - Modeling Collectives in NetLogo
16.4 - Example: A Wild Dog Model with Packs
16.5 - Summary and Conclusions
16.6 - Exercises
Part III - Pattern-Oriented Modeling
17 - Introduction to Part III
17.1 - Toward Structurally Realistic Models
17.2 - Single and Multiple, Strong and Weak Patterns
17.3 - Overview of Part III
18 - Patterns for Model Structure
18.1 - Introduction
18.2 - Steps in POM to Design Model Structure
18.3 - Example: Modeling European Beech Forests
18.4 - Example: Management Accounting and Collusion
18.5 - Summary and Conclusions
18.6 - Exercises
19 - Theory Development
19.1 - Introduction
19.2 - Theory Development and Strong Inference in the Virtual Laboratory
19.3 - Examples of Theory Development for ABMs
19.4 - Exercise Example: Stay or Leave?
19.5 - Summary and Conclusions
19.6 - Exercises
20 - Parameterization and Calibration
20.1 - Introduction and Objectives
20.2 - Parameterization of ABMs is Different
20.3 - Parameterizing Submodels
20.4 - Calibration Concepts and Strategies
20.5 - Example: Calibration of the Woodhoopoe Model
20.6 - Summary and Conclusions
20.7 - Exercises
Part IV - Model Analysis
21 - Introduction to Part IV
21.1 - Objectives of Part IV
21.2 - Overview of Part IV
22 - Analyzing and Understanding ABMs
22.1 - Introduction
22.2 - Example Analysis: The Segregation Model
22.3 - Additional Heuristics for Understanding ABMs
22.4 - Statistics for Understanding
22.5 - Summary and Conclusions
22.6 - Exercises
23 - Sensitivity, Uncertainty, and Robustness Analysis
23.1 - Introduction and Objectives
23.2 - Sensitivity Analysis
23.3 - Uncertainty Analysis
23.4 - Robustness Analysis
23.5 - Summary and Conclusions
23.6 - Exercises
24 - Where to Go from Here
24.1 - Introduction
24.2 - Keeping Your Momentum: Reimplementation
24.3 - your First Model from Scratch
24.4 - Modeling Agent Behavior
24.5 - ABM Gadgets
24.6 - Coping with NetLogo's Limitations
24.7 - Beyond NetLogo
24.8 - An Odd Farewell
Index of Programming Notes
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