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Imperial Library
Half Title
Title Page
About this Edition
Volume One
Part I
Chapter 1: The Outward Configuration of North America
Chapter 2: On the Point of Departure and Its Importance for the Future of the Anglo-Americans
Chapter 3: Social State of the Anglo-Americans
Chapter 4: On the Principle of Popular Sovereignty in America
Chapter 5: Necessity of Studying What Happens in Particular States Before Speaking of the Government of the Union
Chapter 6: On Judicial Power in the United States and Its Effect on Political Society
Chapter 7: On Political Judgment in the United States
Chapter 8: On the Federal Constitution
Part II
Chapter 1: Why It Is Strictly Accurate to Say That in the United States It Is the People Who Govern
Chapter 2: Parties in the United States
Chapter 3: On Freedom of the Press in the United States
Chapter 4: On Political Association in the United States
Chapter 5: On the Government of Democracy in America
Chapter 6: What Are the Real Advantages to American Society of Democratic Government?
Chapter 7: On the Omnipotence of the Majority in the United States and Its Effects
Chapter 8: On That Which Tempers the Tyranny of the Majority in the United States
Chapter 9: On the Principal Causes That Tend to Maintain the Democratic Republic in the United States
Chapter 10: Some Considerations Concerning the Present State and Probable Future of the Three Races That Inhabit the Territory of the United States
Volume Two
Part I: Influence of Democracy on the Evolution of the American Intellect
Chapter 1: On the Philosophical Method of the Americans
Chapter 2: On the Principal Source of Beliefs Among Democratic Peoples
Chapter 3: Why the Americans Show More Aptitude and Taste for General Ideas Than Their English Forefathers
Chapter 4: Why the Americans Have Never Been as Passionate as the French About General Ideas in Politics
Chapter 5: How Religion Uses Democratic Instincts in the United States
Chapter 6: On the Progress of Catholicism in the United States
Chapter 7: What Makes the Mind of Democratic Peoples Receptive to Pantheism
Chapter 8: How Democracy Suggests to the Americans the Idea of Man's Infinite Perfectibility
Chapter 9: How the Example of the Americans Does Not Prove That a Democratic People Can Have No Aptitude for Science, Literature, or the Arts
Chapter 10: Why Americans Devote Themselves More to the Practical Applications of Science Than to the Theory
Chapter 11: In What Spirit Americans Cultivate the Arts
Chapter 12: Why Americans Build Such Insignificant and Such Great Monuments at the Same Time
Chapter 13: The Literary Aspect of Democratic Centuries
Chapter 14: On the Literary Industry
Chapter 15: Why the Study of Greek and Latin Is Particularly Useful in Democratic Societies
Chapter 16: How American Democracy Has Changed the English Language
Chapter 17: On Some Sources of Poetry in Democratic Nations
Chapter 18: Why American Writers and Orators Are Often Bombastic
Chapter 19: Some Observations on the Theater of Democratic Peoples
Chapter 20: On Certain Tendencies Peculiar to Historians in Democratic Centuries
Chapter 21: On Parliamentary Eloquence in the United States
Part II: Influence of Democracy on the Sentiments of the Americans
Chapter 1: Why Democratic Peoples Show a More Ardent and Enduring Love of Equality Than of Liberty
Chapter 2: On Individualism in Democratic Countries
Chapter 3: How Individualism Is More Pronounced at the End of a Democratic Revolution Than at Any Other Time
Chapter 4: How Americans Combat Individualism with Free Institutions
Chapter 5: On the Use That Americans Make of Association in Civil Life
Chapter 6: On the Relation Between Associations and Newspapers
Chapter 7: Relations Between Civil Associations and Political Associations
Chapter 8: How Americans Combat Individualism with the Doctrine of Self-Interest Properly Understood
Chapter 9: How Americans Apply the Doctrine of Self-Interest Properly Understood in the Matter of Religion
Chapter 10: On the Taste for Material Well-Being in America
Chapter 11: On the Particular Effects of the Love of Material Gratifications in Democratic Centuries
Chapter 12: Why Certain Americans Exhibit Such Impassioned Spiritualism
Chapter 13: Why Americans Seem So Restless in the Midst of Their Well-Being
Chapter 14: How the Taste for Material Gratifications Is Combined in America with Love of Liberty and Concern About Public Affairs
Chapter 15: How Religious Beliefs Sometimes Divert the American Soul Toward Immaterial Gratifications
Chapter 16: How Excessive Love of Well-Being Can Impair It
Chapter 17: How, in Times of Equality and Doubt, It Is Important to Set Distant Goals for Human Actions
Chapter 18: Why All Respectable Occupations Are Reputed Honorable Among Americans
Chapter 19: Why Nearly All Americans Are Inclined to Enter Industrial Occupations
Chapter 20: How Industry Could Give Rise to an Aristocracy
Part III: Influence of Democracy on Mores Properly So-called
Chapter 1: How Mores Become Milder as Conditions Become More Equal
Chapter 2: How Democracy Simplifies and Eases Habitual Relations Among Americans
Chapter 3: Why Americans Are So Slow to Take Offense in Their Country and So Quick to Take Offense in Ours
Chapter 4: Consequences of the Three Previous Chapters
Chapter 5: How Democracy Modifies Relations Between Servant and Master
Chapter 6: How Democratic Institutions and Mores Tend to Raise Prices and Shorten the Terms of Leases
Chapter 7: Influence of Democracy on Wages
Chapter 8: Influence of Democracy on the Family
Chapter 9: Raising Girls in the United States
Chapter 10: How the Traits of the Girl Can Be Divined in the Wife
Chapter 11: How Equality of Conditions Helps to Maintain Good Morals in America
Chapter 12: How the Americans Understand the Equality of Man and Woman
Chapter 13: How Equality Naturally Divides the Americans into a Multitude of Small Private Societies
Chapter 14: Some Reflections on American Manners
Chapter 15: On the Gravity of Americans and Why It Does Not Prevent Them from Acting Rashly
Chapter 16: Why the National Vanity of the Americans Is More Restless and Argumentative Than That of the English
Chapter 17: How Society in the United States Seems Both Agitated and Monotonous
Chapter 18: On Honor in the United States and in Democratic Societies
Chapter 19: Why There Are So Many Ambitious Men and So Few Great Ambitions in the United States
Chapter 20: On Place-Hunting in Certain Democratic Nations
Chapter 21: Why Great Revolutions Will Become Rare
Chapter 22: Why Democratic Peoples Naturally Desire Peace and Democratic Armies Naturally Desire War
Chapter 23: Which Class in Democratic Armies Is the Most Warlike and Revolutionary
Chapter 24: What Makes Democratic Armies Weaker Than Other Armies at the Start of a Campaign but More Formidable in Protracted Warfare
Chapter 25: On Discipline in Democratic Armies
Chapter 26: Some Remarks on War in Democratic Societies
Part IV: On the Influence that Democratic Ideas and Sentiments Exert on Political Society
Chapter 1: Equality Naturally Gives Men a Taste for Free Institutions
Chapter 2: Why the Ideas of Democratic Peoples About Government Naturally Favor the Concentration of Power
Chapter 3: How the Sentiments of Democratic Peoples Accord with Their Ideas to Bring About a Concentration of Power
Chapter 4: Concerning Certain Particular and Accidental Causes That Either Lead a Democratic People to Centralize Power or Divert Them From It
Chapter 5: How Sovereign Power in Today's European Nations Is Increasing, Although Sovereigns Are Less Stable
Chapter 6: What Kind of Despotism Democratic Nations Have to Fear
Chapter 7: Continuation of the Preceding Chapters
Chapter 8: General View of the Subject
Tocqueville's Notes
Translator's Note
Note on the Texts
Series Information
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