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1 I F HE DIDN'T GET OUT NOW, HE'D NEVER FORGIVE HIMSELF. He was fifty-five, but after nearly six yea
2 T HE SHOT, FROM A DISTANCE OF 175 YARDS, HAD BEEN immaculate. St. John remained in position for a
3 D EATH DID NOT COME IMMEDIATELY. Blood was everywhere. James Ettinger lay facedown on the shag car
4 London, England M EGAN D URANT ASKED THE CABDRIVER TO KINDLY WAIT for her while she went inside th
5 U NLIKE THE REST OF THE COUNTRY AT THE MOMENT, THE weather in Miami was perfect. Temperatures hang
6 Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean S T. J OHN CAME UP ON DECK AS THE FIRST HINT OF SUNLIGHT spread ou
7 T HE MAN'S NAME WAS J OEL B ENJAMIN. A VERAGE HEIGHT, average build. 190 pounds, give or take. Dar
8 I T WAS FULLY DARK OUT NOW, AND WITH THE ARRIVAL OF night came a new wave of sleet and snow. The c
9 A S THE BOAT CONTINUED TOWARD N ANTUCKET, HIS OLD nemesis, paranoia, began to tap on his shoulder.
10 A CTUALLY, IT WAS A FEW MINUTES BEFORE MIDNIGHT. S T. J OHN unfastened the clamps that secured th
11 S HORTLY AFTER DAWN, S T. J OHN WAS AWAKE AND OUT OF bed. His beard was beginning to chafe, and h
12 N ELSON E TTINGER LEARNED OF HIS BROTHER'S DEATH AS HE stood staring at the half-eaten carcass of
13 A SMALL ARMY OF FLIGHT ATTENDANTS CONVERGED NEAR the front of the jet to assist with a kid in a w
14 O LIN SURPRISED HER WITH TICKETS TO T HE P RODUCERS. Sitting at a small round metal table at lunc
15 A FTER SIX DAYS IN AN NBC N EWS EDITING BOOTH, BLURRY-EYED from piecing together a story that had
16 Early afternoon P RECISELY TEN MILES (AS THE CROW FLIES) FROM THE POST office where Brooke had ju
17 S ET AGAINST CRUSHED VELVET, UNDER ARTFULLY ARRANGED lighting, the five-carat diamond glowed and
18 L ESS THAN AN HOUR EARLIER THE CITY HAD SEEMED TO shrink simply on the basis of Louis Vena's test
19 T HERE WAS A BOTTLE OF WINE IN THE CABINET, THREE-QUARTERS full, just as Brooke hoped and thought
20 Thursday morning O LIN WAS GONE WHEN SHE AWOKE. M EGAN COULD SMELL him on the sheets and the pill
21 I N A RESTAURANT AT THE W ALDORF -A STORIA, J OEL ATE A big breakfast. He hadn't realized how hun
22 D ESMOND PARKED THE F ERRARI A BLOCK FROM THE VAN. H E spoke into a handheld radio, cueing his pe
23 T HE PI' S NAME WAS C ROUDER. H E WAS DIRECT AND TO THE point. He asked specific questions that J
24 A CATCH IN HER BREATHING WOKE B ROOKE. S HE UNWOUND herself from the precarious and terribly unco
25 C ONNOR K INGSTON, THE NEW INTERN, AND J ILL P ALMGRASS, who'd been on her research staff the pas
26 D EAN AND G RACE W EAVER HAD OWNED THEIR HOME IN Syracuse for the better part of three decades. I
27 M ORNING CREPT INTO THE W EAVER HOUSE. A S A FAMILY, they were generally early risers. But the co
28 T HE PHOTO OF A RIEL HAD GOTTEN HIM NOWHERE. J OEL had spent a long, cold night outside the apart
29 T HE SUBWAY TRAIN CAME TO A GRINDING HALT AND THE doors slid open. A few passengers wandered in a
30 W HEN SHE CALMED DOWN, SHE PLACED ANOTHER CALL TO NBC. Yes, it was Darla's apartment that had exp
31 1:07 P.M. J OEL LAY FACEDOWN IN BED, SLEEPING LIKE A ROCK. T WO and a half hours earlier he'd sta
32 T WO HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILES NORTHWEST OF N EW Y ORK City, the videocassette finished rewinding,
33 T HE GARAGE WAS A BARN-SHAPED BUILDING SEPARATE FROM the house. Both of the family's cars were pa
34 J OEL WAS IN CONTROL, BUT NOT BY MUCH. T HEY HAD descended by the stairs, and on their way to an
35 T HE SOUND OF BREAKING GLASS WAS MOSTLY MUFFLED BY the wind and by the din of the traffic. The wi
36 T HE S AAB CLIPPED THE M AYFLOWER VAN, ITS RIGHT HEADLIGHT catching under the van's rear bumper.
37 S HE DIDN'T REMEMBER MUCH. I T HAPPENED IN A FLASH, AND most of it was a blur. Megan had no idea
38 I F SHE DROVE STRAIGHT THROUGH, STOPPING ONLY FOR food and to use the toilet, the drive to Chicag
39 "A FTERNOON, SIR. M Y NAME'S Y ANCEY, AND I' LL BE YOUR pilot today." The fellow was tall and sli
40 T HE TALE BEGAN IN S AN D IEGO, EIGHTEEN MONTHS BEFORE the election of Clifton Yates to the presi
41 T HE WORDS PLAYED OVER AND OVER AGAIN IN B ROOKE'S mind as she drove. James Ettinger had laid it
42 F IFTY MILES OUTSIDE OF S YRACUSE, THE WEATHER LET UP. The wall of snow seemed to part to either
43 S OMEWHERE OFF IN THE BLACKNESS THERE WAS A METALLIC clank, and then the shuddering sound of roll
44 A T LEAST HE THOUGHT HE WAS AWAKE. B UT IN THE DARKNESS, Joel couldn't say one way or the other w
45 B ERTRUM S TOTT'S FACE WAS PITTED WITH ACNE SCARS. T HIS was his one and only distinguishing phys
46 A FTER THE ORDERS WERE GIVEN, N EWBURY CLOSED THE cell phone and set it on the console. They were
47 B Y THE TIME S T. J OHN CAME WITHIN SIGHT OF THE SUBDIVISION, he was in the killing mood. During
48 N EWBURY AND A DAIR WERE CROSSING THE FRONT YARD from the east when the lights inside the house b
49 T HE DOOR SWUNG IN TOWARD S T. J OHN. H E LEVELED THE gun and aimed about eighteen inches above t
50 U NITED FLIGHT 0214 WAS NOT DIRECT. T HAT WAS THE ONE detail that gave them the upper hand. Fligh
51 T RAFFIC THINNED AS THE D ODGE PICKUP EDGED OUT OF the city. R'mel watched his speedometer, keepi
52 U NITED FLIGHT 0214 HAD BEEN ON THE GROUND FOR twenty-five minutes. It had come into O'Hare on ti
53 D AVID H AYWEATHER WAS DRESSED IN HIS TERRY CLOTH robe, standing barefoot at the front door to hi
54 S TATE H IGHWAY 7 BECAME US 23, AND BY MIDNIGHT, R'mel had found his way to Stockbridge, Massachu
55 T HE I NFINITI SLOWED, SIGNALED LEFT AT A T IN THE ROAD, and headed down into the parking area of
56 T HE TAILGATE SLAMMED DOWN AGAINST ITS HINGES, AND R'mel raised the camper shell's door until its
57 A FTER FORTY-FIVE MINUTES OF BEATING A NORTHERLY PATH up Lake Michigan, the cabin cruiser cut its
58 T HOUGH J EFF P EEL DIDN'T REMEMBER, THEY'D ACTUALLY met once before. Clara Hayweather described
59 Saturday morning T HE FIRST LIGHT OF DAWN PIERCED THE STAND OF TREES ON the east side of the Haze
60 W ITHIN THE HOUR, I SAAC R OSENBLATT GREETED HIS OLD friend with a tall cup of hot coffee. The sk
61 E VERY MAJOR MEDIA OUTLET WAS THERE TO GET A PIECE OF the action. They ranged from CNN to Fox New
62 J OEL WOKE WITH HIS CHIN TOUCHING HIS CHEST. H E'D slept later than he'd planned. The morning lig
63 July T HE PRIVATE AIRSTRIP WAS A STRAIGHT BLACK LINE OF asphalt that ran for several hundred yard
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