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Hands-On Software Engineering with Golang
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Section 1: Software Engineering and the Software Development Life Cycle
A Bird's-Eye View of Software Engineering
What is software engineering?
Types of software engineering roles
The role of the software engineer (SWE)
The role of the software development engineer in test (SDET)
The role of the site reliability engineer (SRE)
The role of the release engineer (RE)
The role of the system architect
A list of software development models that all engineers should know
Iterative enhancement
Eliminate waste
Create knowledge
Defer commitment
Build in quality
Deliver fast
Respect and empower people
See and optimize the whole
Scrum roles
Essential Scrum events
The CAMS model
The three ways model
Further reading
Section 2: Best Practices for Maintainable and Testable Go Code
Best Practices for Writing Clean and Maintainable Go Code
The SOLID principles of object-oriented design
Single responsibility
Open/closed principle
Liskov substitution
Interface segregation
Dependency inversion
Applying the SOLID principles
Organizing code into packages
Naming conventions for Go packages
Circular dependencies
Breaking circular dependencies via implicit interfaces
Sometimes, code repetition is not a bad idea!
Tips and tools for writing lean and easy-to-maintain Go code
Optimizing function implementations for readability
Variable naming conventions
Using Go interfaces effectively
Zero values are your friends
Using tools to analyze and manipulate Go programs
Taking care of formatting and imports (gofmt, goimports)
Refactoring code across packages (gorename, gomvpkg, fix)
Improving code quality metrics with the help of linters
Further reading
Dependency Management
What's all the fuss about software versioning?
Semantic versioning
Comparing semantic versions
Applying semantic versioning to Go packages
Managing the source code for multiple package versions
Single repository with versioned folders
Single repository – multiple branches
Vendoring – the good, the bad, and the ugly
Benefits of vendoring dependencies
Is vendoring always a good idea?
Strategies and tools for vendoring dependencies
The dep tool
The Gopkg.toml file
The Gopkg.lock file
Go modules – the way forward
Fork packages
Further reading
The Art of Testing
Technical requirements
Unit testing
Mocks, stubs, fakes, and spies – commonalities and differences
Stubs and spies!
Introducing gomock
Exploring the details of the project we want to write tests for
Leveraging gomock to write a unit test for our application
Fake objects
Black-box versus white-box testing for Go packages – an example
The services behind the facade
Writing black-box tests
Boosting code coverage via white-box tests
Table-driven tests versus subtests
Table-driven tests
The best of both worlds
Using third-party testing frameworks
Integration versus functional testing
Integration tests
Functional tests
Functional tests part deux – testing in production!
Smoke tests
Chaos testing – breaking your systems in fun and interesting ways!
Tips and tricks for writing tests
Using environment variables to set up or skip tests
Speeding up testing for local development
Excluding classes of tests via build flags
This is not the output you are looking for – mocking calls to external binaries
Testing timeouts is easy when you have all the time in the world!
Further reading
Section 3: Designing and Building a Multi-Tier System from Scratch
The Links 'R'; Us Project
System overview – what are we going to be building?
Selecting an SDLC model for our project
Iterating faster using an Agile framework
Elephant carpaccio – how to iterate even faster!
Requirements analysis
Functional requirements
User story – link submission
User story – search
User story – crawl link graph
User story – calculate PageRank scores
User story – monitor Links 'R' Us health
Non-functional requirements
Service-level objectives
Security considerations
Being good netizens
System component modeling
The crawler
The link filter
The link fetcher
The content extractor
The link extractor
The content indexer
The link provider
The link graph
The PageRank calculator
The metrics store
The frontend
Monolith or microservices? The ultimate question
Further reading
Building a Persistence Layer
Technical requirements
Running tests that require CockroachDB
Running tests that require Elasticsearch
Exploring a taxonomy of database systems
Key-value stores
Relational databases
NoSQL databases
Document databases
Understanding the need for a data layer abstraction
Designing the data layer for the link graph component
Creating an ER diagram for the link graph store
Listing the required set of operations for the data access layer
Defining a Go interface for the link graph
Partitioning links and edges for processing the graph in parallel
Iterating Links and Edges
Verifying graph implementations using a shared test suite
Implementing an in-memory graph store
Upserting links
Upserting edges
Looking up links
Iterating links/edges
Removing stale edges
Setting up a test suite for the graph implementation
Scaling across with a CockroachDB-backed graph implementation
Dealing with DB migrations
An overview of the DB schema for the CockroachDB implementation
Upserting links
Upserting edges
Looking up links
Iterating links/edges
Removing stale edges
Setting up a test suite for the CockroachDB implementation
Designing the data layer for the text indexer component
A model for indexed documents
Listing the set of operations that the text indexer needs to support
Defining the Indexer interface
Verifying indexer implementations using a shared test suite
An in-memory Indexer implementation using bleve
Indexing documents
Looking up documents and updating their PageRank score
Searching the index
Iterating the list of search results
Setting up a test suite for the in-memory indexer
Scaling across an Elasticsearch indexer implementation
Creating a new Elasticsearch indexer instance
Indexing and looking up documents
Performing paginated searches
Updating the PageRank score for a document
Setting up a test suite for the Elasticsearch indexer
Further reading
Data-Processing Pipelines
Technical requirements
Building a generic data-processing pipeline in Go
Design goals for the pipeline package
Modeling pipeline payloads
Multistage processing
Stageless pipelines – is that even possible?
Strategies for handling errors
Accumulating and returning all errors
Using a dead-letter queue
Terminating the pipeline's execution if an error occurs
Synchronous versus asynchronous pipelines
Synchronous pipelines
Asynchronous pipelines
Implementing a stage worker for executing payload processors
Fixed and dynamic worker pools
1-to-N broadcasting
Implementing the input source worker
Implementing the output sink worker
Putting it all together – the pipeline API
Building a crawler pipeline for the Links 'R' Us project
Defining the payload for the crawler
Implementing a source and a sink for the crawler
Fetching the contents of graph links
Extracting outgoing links from retrieved webpages
Extracting the title and text from retrieved web pages
Inserting discovered outgoing links to the graph
Indexing the contents of retrieved web pages
Assembling and running the pipeline
Further reading
Graph-Based Data Processing
Technical requirements
Exploring the Bulk Synchronous Parallel model
Building a graph processing system in Go
Queueing and delivering messages
The Message interface
Queues and message iterators
Implementing an in-memory, thread-safe queue
Modeling the vertices and edges of graphs
Defining the Vertex and Edge types
Inserting vertices and edges into the graph
Sharing global graph state through data aggregation
Defining the Aggregator interface
Registering and looking up aggregators
Implementing a lock-free accumulator for float64 values
Sending and receiving messages
Implementing graph-based algorithms using compute functions
Achieving vertical scaling by executing compute functions in parallel
Orchestrating the execution of super-steps
Creating and managing Graph instances
Solving interesting graph problems
Searching graphs for the shortest path
The sequential Dijkstra algorithm
Leveraging a gossip protocol to run Dijkstra in parallel
Graph coloring
A sequential greedy algorithm for coloring undirected graphs
Exploiting parallelism for undirected graph coloring
Calculating PageRank scores
The model of the random surfer
An iterative approach to PageRank score calculation
Reaching convergence – when should we stop iterating?
Web graphs in the real world – dealing with dead ends
Defining an API for the PageRank calculator
Implementing a compute function to calculate PageRank scores
Further reading
Communicating with the Outside World
Technical requirements
Designing robust, secure, and backward-compatible REST APIs
Using human-readable paths for RESTful resources
Controlling access to API endpoints
Basic HTTP authentication
Securing TLS connections from eavesdropping
Authenticating to external service providers using OAuth2
Dealing with API versions
Including the API version as a route prefix
Negotiating API versions via HTTP Accept headers
Building RESTful APIs in Go
Building RPC-based APIs with the help of gRPC
Comparing gRPC to REST
Defining messages using protocol buffers
Defining messages
Versioning message definitions
Representing collections
Modeling field unions
The Any type
Implementing RPC services
Unary RPCs
Server-streaming RPCs
Client-streaming RPCs
Bi-directional streaming RPCs
Security considerations for gRPC APIs
Decoupling Links 'R' Us components from the underlying data stores
Defining RPCs for accessing a remote link-graph instance
Defining RPCs for accessing a text-indexer instance
Creating high-level clients for accessing data stores over gRPC
Further reading
Building, Packaging, and Deploying Software
Technical requirements
Building and packaging Go services using Docker
Benefits of containerization
Best practices for dockerizing Go applications
Selecting a suitable base container for your application
A gentle introduction to Kubernetes
Peeking under the hood
Summarizing the most common Kubernetes resource types
Running a Kubernetes cluster on your laptop!
Building and deploying a monolithic version of Links 'R' Us
Distributing computation across application instances
Carving the UUID space into non-overlapping partitions
Assigning a partition range to each pod
Building wrappers for the application services
The crawler service
The PageRank calculator service
Serving a fully functioning frontend to users
Specifying the endpoints for the frontend application
Performing searches and paginating results
Generating convincing summaries for search results
Highlighting search keywords
Orchestrating the execution of individual services
Putting everything together
Terminating the application in a clean way
Dockerizing and starting a single instance of the monolith
Deploying and scaling the monolith on Kubernetes
Setting up the required namespaces
Deploying CockroachDB and Elasticsearch using Helm
Deploying Links 'R' Us
Further reading
Section 4: Scaling Out to Handle a Growing Number of Users
Splitting Monoliths into Microservices
Technical requirements
Monoliths versus service-oriented architectures
Is there something inherently wrong with monoliths?
Microservice anti-patterns and how to deal with them
Monitoring the state of your microservices
Tracing requests through distributed systems
The OpenTracing project
Stepping through a distributed tracing example
The provider service
The aggregator service
The gateway
Putting it all together
Capturing and visualizing traces using Jaeger
Making logging your trusted ally
Logging best practices
The devil is in the (logging) details
Shipping and indexing logs inside Kubernetes
Running a log collector on each Kubernetes node
Using a sidecar container to collect logs
Shipping logs directly from the application
Introspecting live Go services
Building a microservice-based version of Links 'R' Us
Decoupling access to the data stores
Breaking down the monolith into distinct services
Deploying the microservices that comprise the Links 'R' Us project
Deploying the link-graph and text-indexer API services
Deploying the web crawler
Deploying the PageRank service
Deploying the frontend service
Locking down access to our Kubernetes cluster using network policies
Further reading
Building Distributed Graph-Processing Systems
Technical requirements
Introducing the master/worker model
Ensuring that masters are highly available
The leader-follower configuration
The multi-master configuration
Strategies for discovering nodes
Recovering from errors
Out-of-core distributed graph processing
Describing the system architecture, requirements, and limitations
Modeling a state machine for executing graph computations
Establishing a communication protocol between workers and masters
Defining a job queue RPC service
Establishing protocol buffer definitions for worker payloads
Establishing protocol buffer definitions for master payloads
Defining abstractions for working with bi-directional gRPC streams
Remote worker stream
Remote master stream
Creating a distributed barrier for the graph execution steps
Implementing a step barrier for individual workers
Implementing a step barrier for the master
Creating custom executor factories for wrapping existing graph instances
The workers' executor factory
The master's executor factory
Coordinating the execution of a graph job
Simplifying end user interactions with the dbspgraph package
The worker job coordinator
Running a new job
Transitioning through the stages of the graph's state machine
Handling incoming payloads from the master
Using the master as an outgoing message relay
The master job coordinator
Running a new job
Transitioning through the stages for the graph's state machine
Handling incoming worker payloads
Relaying messages between workers
Defining package-level APIs for working with master and worker nodes
Instantiating and operating worker nodes
Instantiating and operating master nodes
Handling incoming gRPC connections
Running a new job
Deploying a distributed version of the Links 'R' Us PageRank calculator
Retrofitting master and worker capabilities to the PageRank calculator service
Serializing PageRank messages and aggregator values
Defining job runners for the master and the worker
Implementing the job runner for master nodes
The worker job runner
Deploying the final Links 'R' Us version to Kubernetes
Further reading
Metrics Collection and Visualization
Technical requirements
Monitoring from the perspective of a site reliability engineer
Service-level indicators (SLIs)
Service-level objectives (SLOs)
Service-level agreements (SLAs)
Exploring options for collecting and aggregating metrics
Comparing push versus pull systems
Capturing metrics using Prometheus
Supported metric types
Automating the detection of scrape targets
Static and file-based scrape target configuration
Querying the underlying cloud provider
Leveraging the API exposed by Kubernetes
Instrumenting Go code
Registering metrics with Prometheus
Vector-based metrics
Exporting metrics for scraping
Visualizing collected metrics using Grafana
Using Prometheus as an end-to-end solution for alerting
Using Prometheus as a source for alert events
Handling alert events
Grouping alerts together
Selectively muting alerts
Configuring alert receivers
Routing alerts to receivers
Further reading
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
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