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Imperial Library
Chapter 1: an ill-timed proposal
Chapter 2: a living legend
Chapter 3: a walk through the trees
Chapter 4: a most magical creature
Chapter 5: electromagnetism
Chapter 6: a smooth operator
Chapter 7: Prince Talvi
Chapter 8: advice on letting one’s guard down
Chapter 9: Finn
Chapter 10: the powers of pixie dust
Chapter 11: a tour guide from heaven
Chapter 12: the Tortoise and the Hare
Chapter 13: a game not worth playing
Chapter 14: Sariel’s family tree
Chapter 15: the healing powers of banitza
Chapter 16: interlude
Chapter 17: black and red
Chapter 18: a night to remember
Chapter 19: recuperation
Chapter 20: Konstantin
Chapter 21: a different living legend
Chapter 22: an apology
Chapter 23: psychotic vampires
Chapter 24: the multiple definitions of what specifically constitutes lying
Chapter 25: Vladislav
Chapter 26: the jealous boyfriend
Chapter 27: an old friend
Chapter 28: love and fear
Chapter 29: Nikola’s honesty
Chapter 30: the prince’s principles
Chapter 31: the fall of the kingdom
Chapter 32: Nikola’s secret
Chapter 33: sirens
Chapter 34: Mesoyadna Bloodwoods
Chapter 35: troll house cookies
Chapter 36: Aghavni’s terms of negotiation
Chapter 37: discipline
Chapter 38: winter wash day
Chapter 39: the ring thief
Chapter 40: the first sunrise of winter
Chapter 41: new eyes
Chapter 42: Aghavni’s gift
Chapter 43: the snow leopards
Chapter 44: chaos theory
Chapter 45: the Pazachi’s invention
Chapter 46: the girl who fell to Earth
Chapter 47: long time passing
about the author
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