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Beginning C# 7 Hands-On – Advanced Language Features
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Creating a Simple Generics Class
Creating a generics class
Working with different data types
Making parameters that are generic
Displaying the values
Adding a button to Default.aspx
Initializing a collection of integers to their array and displaying the results
Changing the data types in our generics class
Running the program
Accumulating the input
Chapter review
Creating a Generic Method
Creating a button to exchange and then comparing two values
Writing a swap function
Comparing values using the CompareTo method
Introducing constraints
Completing the GenMethods class
Hardcoding the values
Running the program
Modifying the program for an additional type of comparison
Modifying the program for different data types
Chapter review
Implementing a Generic Interface to Accomplish Sorting
Adding a button to sort and display results
Creating a generics interface class
Implementing the interface
Adding a virtual function
Adding refinements
Entering the reference code
Running the program
Chapter review
Making Delegates More Flexible with Generics
Adding a summarize button to the HTML
Constructing a delegate
Assigning functions to represent the delegate
Calling the delegate
Running the program
Creating and Using Generic Dictionaries
Adding a show button to the HTML
Starting a process from a web page
Making a verbatim string
Iterating over key-value pairs
Making a directory and creating a file from Command Prompt
Chapter review
Connection Between Delegates and Lambda Expressions
Adding a Show Results button to the HTML
Adding delegates
Setting up the variables
Making objects of the delegate type
Defining lambda expressions
Operating an array
Working with actions
Chapter review
Expression-Bodied Lambdas and Expression-Bodied Members
Adding a box and a Find Max button to the HTML
Making the delegate
Defining an expression-bodied member
Converting an array of strings into an array of doubles
Creating an expression-bodied lambda
Comparing values
Specifying the parameters
Running the program
Chapter review
Anonymous Methods and Objects That Run Their Own Delegates
Adding a Show Results button to the HTML
Streamlining writing functions
Performing an action on all of the values
Making an anonymous function or method
Starting a thread
Running and modifying the program
Chapter review
C# with LINQ and Built-In Types
Adding a Show Values button to the HTML
Adding namespaces
Working with the IEnumerable generic interface
Converting an array to a list of integers
Determining the values in a collection
Converting the values back to a list
Extracting values from the list and sorting them
Running the program
Chapter review
C# with LINQ and Custom Data Types
Adding a Show People button to the HTML
Setting up a database
Making a custom type using LINQ
Setting up an array of people
Querying the array
Running the program
Chapter review
Using Query Syntax to Construct Queries
Adding a show button to the HTML
Creating a decimal salary array
Working with range variables
Selecting a salary range and putting it in descending order
Displaying the results
Observing deferred execution
Making a dictionary
Working with key-value pairs
Querying the data in the key-value pairs
Running the program
Chapter review
Queries That Perform Aggregation Functions
Adding a show button to the HTML
Creating an array
Averaging the values in a list
Displaying the results
Using the Count function
Working with a list of lists
Adding students to the classList
Summarizing the information in the classList
Running the program
Chapter review
Using LINQ to Summarize Tuples
Adding a show tuple summary values button to the HTML
Introducing tuples
Adding namespaces
Making a list with a tuple
Returning the tuples
Making a list of doubles
Summarizing the list
Displaying the results
Running the program
Chapter review
Summarizing Results with Grouping
Adding a Show Results button to the HTML
Adding namespaces
Creating the student class and defining fields
Making a list of students
Grouping names
Displaying the grouped results
Chapter review
Joining Datasets with Inner Joins
Adding a Join Classes button to the HTML
Adding the namespaces
Creating the person and car classes
Making person objects
Making car objects
Making a list of owners and their cars
Joining the owners and car lists
Getting and displaying the results
Running the program
Chapter review
Downloading, Installing, and Running SQL Server 2017
Downloading SQL Server 2017 express
Selecting the installation type
Installing the package
Working with SQL server inside Visual Studio
Creating a SQL server database
Adding and defining a table
Adding fields to the table
Updating the structure of the database
Chapter review
Writing Code to Manually Connect to a Table and Retrieve Records
Adding a show records button to the HTML
Adding a namespace
Making the connection string
Connecting to SQL Server
Catching exceptions
Displaying errors
Opening the connection
Working with the SQL Server data reader
Running the program
Chapter review
Inserting Records into Tables Using Stored Procedures
Adding text boxes and a button to the HTML
Reviewing what you created already in SQL Server
Creating a new stored procedure
Updating the database structure
Adding a namespace
Building the connection string
Initializing the connection
Catching exceptions
Trying out commands
Adding the parameters
Saving the information for later retrieval
Recognizing the role of indexers
Running the program
Chapter review
Using the Nullable Feature to Make Apps More Stable
Adding a Show People button to the HTML
Adding a field to the people database
Modifying the dbo.People table
Writing the code for this project
Creating the person class
Making the properties
Making the list of people
Building the connection string
Entering the SQL-related code
Adding people to the list from the table
Displaying the records
Running the program
Chapter review
Connecting a Chart Control to SQL Server
Placing a chart into the HTML page
Adding a button to the HTML page
Adding a new table to the People database
Enabling auto-incrementation
Adding values to the new table
Coding the project
Adding a namespace
Building the connection string
Writing a SQL query
Making the command object
Opening the connection and making a SQL data reader
Running the program
Modifying the program to display the Y values
Chapter review
Using LINQ to Operate on Tables from SQL Server
Changing the data in the ExperimentValues table
Summarizing the fields
Adding the namespaces
Building the connection string
Making the SQL connection
Making an adapter
Making a data table
Populating the table with data
Displaying the summed values
Running the program
Adding comments
Chapter review
Creating a Page That Saves Text to Disk
Creating an application to save text
Creating the user interface for your project
Starting to code the project
Catching an exception
Creating a StreamWriter class
Creating a StreamReader class
Running the program
Chapter review
Creating a Page That Uses the File Upload Control
Starting our project from scratch
Adding a namespace
Saving a file to a specific location
Saving the file
Displaying messages to the user
Determining which files are stored in a directory
Determining the return type
Exploring the exceptions for EnumerateFiles
Catching the exceptions
Running the program
Chapter review
Serializing and Deserializing Objects
Adding two buttons to the HTML
Beginning to code the project
Adding namespaces
Creating a serializable class
Adding features to the serializable class
Defining the path for saving a file
Making a Person object
Handling unmanaged resources
Making a binary formatter
Serializing an object
Testing the program
Rebuilding an object from a hard drive
Displaying the results
Running the program
Chapter review
Having a Little Fun with Images with Pixel Manipulations
Manipulating an image
Adding a button and an image control to the HTML
Adding a namespace
Making a bitmap
Saving an image as a bitmap picture
Accessing a pixel's location
Manipulating the pixels
Converting the picture to a byte array
Sending out the image URL
Running the program
Chapter review
Saving an Image to SQL Server
Adding buttons and a list box to HTML
Creating a database table to store the files
Storing image files on your hard drive
Adding namespaces
Coding the application
Testing the scanning the folder function
Building the connection string
Using of the connection string
Running the program
Chapter review
Creating and Using an XML File
Adding a button to HTML
Coding the XML
Adding a namespace
Loading the XML file into your program
Iterating over the contents of the XML file
Displaying the results
Running the program
Chapter review
Creating XML Files with C#
Adding a button to HTML
Adding namespaces
Coding the XmlWriter settings
Writing to the hard drive
Formatting the results
Running the program
Chapter review
Querying XML Documents with LINQ
Adding a text box and a button to HTML
Adding namespaces
Clearing the output
Building an element tree
Saving the store XML file
Testing the program
Searching for items that meet a specific criteria
Selecting among the items that meet the search criteria
Displaying the results
Running the program
Chapter review
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