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The Book of™ Inkscape: The Definitive Guide to the Free Graphics Editor
What’s in This Book?
Who Is This Book For?
1. Inkscape and the World
1.1 What Vector Graphics Is and Why It Matters
1.2 What Can You Do with Inkscape?
1.3 Sources of Inkscape Art
1.4 A Brief History of SVG
1.5 Inkscape and Its Competition
1.5.1 Adobe Illustrator Adobe’s Vector Formats
1.5.2 CorelDRAW
1.5.3 Xara
1.5.4 . . . and Inkscape
1.6 The Life of an Open Source Application
2. An Inkscape Primer
2.1 Installing Inkscape
2.2 Inkscape’s “Hello, World!”
2.3 Interface Overview
2.4 Panning and Zooming
2.5 Creating Objects
2.6 Selecting
2.7 Transforming
2.8 Styling
2.9 Saving and Exporting
2.10 A Final Example
3. Setting Up and Moving Around
3.1 Preferences
3.1.1 Inkscape Preferences
3.1.2 Document Properties
3.2 Document Templates
3.3 Keyboard Setup
3.4 Page Setup
3.4.1 Document Units
3.4.2 Background
3.4.3 Page Size
3.5 Instances, Documents, Views
3.6 The Document Window
3.6.1 Window Geometry
3.7 Dialogs
3.8 Basic Zooming
3.9 The Zoom Tool
3.10 Panning
3.11 Rendering Modes
4. Objects
4.1 Object Properties
4.2 The Bounding Box
4.3 Z-Order
4.4 Copying, Cutting, Pasting, and Duplicating
4.5 Groups
4.5.1 Uses of Grouping
4.5.2 Groups and Z-Order
4.6 Layers
4.6.1 Layer Hierarchy
4.6.2 The Layer Menu
4.6.3 The Current Layer Indicator
4.6.4 The Layers Dialog
4.7 The XML Editor
5. Selecting
5.1 The Selection Cue
5.2 Selection and the Status Bar
5.3 Subselection
5.4 Selecting by Clicking: The Selector
5.5 Selecting by Clicking: Other Tools
5.6 Adding to a Selection
5.7 Selecting with the Rubber Band
5.8 Touch Selection
5.9 Selecting Objects from Underneath
5.10 Selecting in Groups
5.11 Selecting with Keyboard Shortcuts
5.12 Finding Objects
5.13 Following Links
5.14 Deselecting
5.15 Selection Miscellany
6. Transforming
6.1 The Selector: Moving
6.2 The Selector: Scaling
6.3 The Selector: Rotating and Skewing
6.4 Center of Rotation
6.5 Transforming with Keyboard Shortcuts
6.5.1 Moving
6.5.2 Scaling
6.5.3 Rotating and Flipping
6.6 Transforming with Numbers: X, Y, W, and H
6.7 The Transform Dialog
6.7.1 The Move Tab Moving to Adjust Intervals
6.7.2 The Scale Tab
6.7.3 The Rotate Tab
6.7.4 The Skew Tab
6.7.5 The Matrix Tab
6.8 Pasting Sizes
6.9 Transforming with the Tweak Tool
6.10 What Transformations Affect
7. Snapping and Arranging
7.1 Guidelines
7.1.1 The Guideline Dialog
7.1.2 Guideline Properties
7.1.3 Guides from Objects
7.2 Grids
7.2.1 Grid Options
7.3 Snapping
7.3.1 The Snap Controls Bar
7.3.2 Bounding Box Snapping
7.3.3 Node and Handle Snapping
7.3.4 Snapping Preferences
7.4 Aligning
7.5 Distributing
7.5.1 Randomizing, Unclumping, and Removing Overlaps
7.5.2 Arranging Objects in a Table
8. Styling
8.1 Style Fundamentals
8.1.1 Paint
8.1.2 Opacity
8.2 Color Models
8.2.1 RGB
8.2.2 CMYK
8.2.3 HSL
8.3 The Palette
8.4 The Selected Style Indicator: Paint Commands
8.5 The Selected Style Indicator: Color Gestures
8.6 The Dropper Tool
8.6.1 Sampling
8.6.2 Assigning
8.6.3 Opacity
8.7 Color Tweaking
8.7.1 Color Paint
8.7.2 Color Jitter
8.7.3 Channels
8.7.4 Usage Notes
8.8 Color Extensions and Filters
9. Stroke and Markers
9.1 Stroke Width
9.2 Join
9.3 Caps
9.4 Dash Patterns
9.5 Markers
9.5.1 Mid Markers and Nodes
9.5.2 Coloring Markers
9.5.3 Creating New Markers
9.5.4 Markers Miscellany
10. Gradients and Patterns
10.1 The Gradient Tool
10.1.1 Linear Gradients
10.1.2 Elliptic Gradients
10.2 Gradient Definition
10.2.1 Sharing Gradient Definitions
10.3 Gradient Repeat
10.4 Handles
10.4.1 Selecting
10.4.2 Painting
10.4.3 Moving, Merging, and Snapping
10.5 Multistage Gradients
10.5.1 Creating Middle Stops
10.5.2 Moving Middle Stops
10.6 Transforming Objects with Gradients
10.7 Gradient Tips and Examples
10.8 Patterns
10.8.1 Creating Patterns
10.8.2 Editing Patterns
10.8.3 Stock Patterns
11. Shapes
11.1 Shape Tools
11.1.1 Shape Parameters
11.1.2 The Style of New Shapes
11.2 Rectangles
11.2.1 Sizing
11.2.2 Rounding
11.3 3D Boxes
11.3.1 Why Use 3D Boxes?
11.3.2 Drawing
11.3.3 Perspective and Vanishing Points
11.3.4 Handles
11.3.5 Styling
11.4 Ellipses
11.4.1 Drawing
11.4.2 Handles
11.5 Stars and Polygons
11.5.1 Drawing
11.5.2 Handles
11.5.3 Rounding
11.5.4 Randomizing
11.6 Spirals
12. Editing Paths
12.1 The Anatomy of a Path
12.1.1 Subpaths
12.1.2 Filling Paths
12.1.3 Stroking Paths
12.1.4 Bézier Curves
12.2 Boolean Operations
12.3 Simplifying
12.4 Offsetting
12.5 The Node Tool
12.5.1 Path Display
12.5.2 Selecting Nodes
12.5.3 Deleting and Creating Nodes
12.5.4 Joining and Breaking
12.5.5 Node Types
12.5.6 Moving Handles
12.5.7 Moving Nodes Aligning Nodes Node Sculpting Transforming Nodes
12.6 Path Tweaking
12.6.1 Width and Force
12.6.2 Fidelity
12.6.3 Push Mode
12.6.4 Shrink/Grow Mode
12.6.5 Attract/Repel Mode
12.6.6 Roughen Mode
13. Path Effects and Extensions
13.1 Path Effects
13.1.1 How Path Effects Work
13.1.2 The Path Effect Editor Dialog
13.1.3 Pattern Along Path and Bend
13.1.4 Stitch Sub-Paths
13.1.5 Knot
13.1.6 Sketch
13.1.7 Spiro Spline
13.1.8 Envelope Deformation
13.1.9 VonKoch
13.2 Dynamic and Linked Offsets
13.3 Path Extensions
14. Drawing
14.1 The Pen Tool
14.1.1 Node Types
14.1.2 Going Back
14.1.3 Continuing a Path
14.1.4 Modes
14.1.5 Stroke Shapes
14.1.6 Style
14.2 The Pencil Tool
14.3 The Calligraphic Pen Tool
14.3.1 Width Pressure Sensitivity Tracing Background Thinning by Speed
14.3.2 Angle
14.3.3 Caps
14.3.4 Tremor, Wiggle, and Mass
14.3.5 Calligraphic Presets
14.3.6 Adding and Subtracting
14.3.7 Tracking a Guide Path
14.4 The Paint Bucket Tool
14.4.1 Filling Techniques
14.4.2 Filling by Channel
14.4.3 Threshold
14.4.4 Growing and Shrinking
14.4.5 Closing Gaps
14.4.6 Style
15. Text
15.1 Basic Editing
15.1.1 Selecting
15.2 Text Object Types
15.2.1 Regular Text
15.2.2 Flowed Text Internal Frame External Frame SVG Compatibility
15.2.3 Text on a Path
15.3 Text Layout
15.3.1 Direction
15.3.2 Alignment
15.3.3 Kerning
15.3.4 Letter Spacing and Line Spacing
15.4 Styling Text
15.4.1 Non-Text Style Properties
15.4.2 Fonts and Variants
15.4.3 Font Size
15.5 Text Extensions
15.6 Spellcheck
15.6.1 Special Characters
15.7 Converting Text to Path
16. Clones
16.1 Creating a Clone
16.2 Transforming Clones
16.3 Styling Clones
16.4 Chaining Clones
16.5 Unlinking and Relinking Clones
16.6 Tiling Clones
16.6.1 Size and Bounding Box
16.6.2 Symmetry
16.6.3 Shift, Scale, and Rotation
16.6.4 Blur and Opacity
16.6.5 Color
16.6.6 Tracing
17. Filters
17.1 Blur
17.1.1 Blur and Transformations
17.1.2 Tweaking for Blur
17.2 Blend Modes
17.3 Preset Filters
17.4 The Filter Editor Dialog
17.4.1 The Filters List
17.4.2 The Stack of Primitives
17.4.3 The Parameters of a Primitive
17.4.4 The Filter Area
17.5 Filter Rendering Options
17.6 Exporting Filters to PS and PDF
18. Bitmaps
18.1 Import
18.2 Linking vs. Embedding
18.3 Bitmap as Pattern
18.4 Clipping and Masking
18.5 Retouching and Patching
18.6 Bitmap Filters
18.7 Bitmap Effects
18.8 Tracing
18.8.1 Manual Tracing
18.8.2 The Trace Bitmap Dialog Brightness Cutoff Tracing Quality Other Single-Scan Modes Multiple-Scan Modes
18.9 Bitmap Export
18.9.1 The Export Bitmap Dialog Export Hints
18.9.2 Exporting via the Command Line
18.9.3 Icon Preview
18.9.4 Make a Bitmap Copy
18.10 Color Management
18.10.1 ICC Color Profiles
18.10.2 Screen Proofing
18.10.3 Separating and Embedding
19. Tutorial: Designing a Business Card
19.1 Design 1: Template and Text
19.2 Design 1: Layout
19.3 Design 2: Graphic
19.4 Design 2: Layout
19.5 Design 2: Texture and Color
19.6 Export and Printing
19.6.1 PostScript
19.6.2 PDF
19.6.3 Bitmap Output
19.6.4 Using Device Colors
19.6.5 Tiled Output
20. Tutorial: Creating an Animation
20.1 Creating the Template
20.2 First Frames
20.3 Tweening
20.4 Compositing and Creating Frames
20.5 Export and Production
20.6 Hatching
20.7 Text
20.8 Background
21. Tutorial: Drawing a 3D - Correct Cartoon
21.1 The Room
21.2 The Furniture
21.3 People
21.4 Sketching and Coloring
22. Tutorial: Artistic Drawing
22.1 The First Sketch
22.2 Inking
22.3 Tweaking
22.4 Coloring and Smoothing
22.5 Drawing Hair
22.6 Finalizing
23. Tutorial: Technical Drawing
23.1 Setting Up the Grid
23.2 Making the Box
23.3 Rounding Corners
23.4 Making the Top Cylinder
23.5 Making the Cutout
24. Tutorial: The Rose
24.1 Treatment 1: Engraving
24.2 Treatment 2: Tessellation
24.3 Treatment 3: A Field of Cubes
24.4 Treatment 4: A Photorealistic Rendition
24.5 Treatment 5: A Map
A. An SVG Primer
A.1 A Quick Introduction to XML
A.2 Vocabularies and Namespaces
A.3 Root
A.4 Defs, View, and Metadata
A.5 Layers and Groups
A.6 Coordinates and Units
A.7 Transformations
A.8 Style
A.9 Linking
A.10 Object Types
A.11 Inkscape SVG Extensions
B. Import and Export
B.1 Save vs. Export
B.2 SVG Variants
B.3 PDF (Import, Export)
B.3.1 PDF Text
B.3.2 PDF Export
B.4 PostScript and EPS (Import, Export)
B.5 Printing
B.6 AI (Import)
B.7 CorelDRAW (Import)
B.8 EMF (Import/Export), WMF and CGM (Import)
B.9 XAML (Import/Export)
B.10 WPG (Import)
B.11 DXF and HPGL (Export)
B.12 JavaFX (Export)
B.13 ODG (Export)
B.14 POV (Export)
B.15 LATEX (Export)
B.16 Bitmap Formats (Import/Export)
B.17 What’s Missing?
C. The Command Line
C.1 Loading Documents
C.2 Export
C.2.1 Area
C.2.2 Size and Resolution
C.2.3 Background
C.2.4 Export Hints
C.2.5 Vector Export Options
C.3 Querying
C.4 Shell Mode
C.5 Verbs
C.6 Getting Help
D. Keyboard Shortcuts
D.1 Tools
D.2 Dialogs
D.2.1 Open
D.2.2 Toggle Visibility
D.2.3 Within a Dialog
D.3 The Controls Bar
D.3.1 Access
D.3.2 Navigate
D.4 The Canvas (2.2)
D.4.1 Zoom (3.8)
D.4.2 Preset Zooms (3.9)
D.4.3 Zoom History (3.9)
D.4.4 Scroll (Pan, 3.10)
D.4.5 Guides, Grids, and Snapping (Chapter 7)
D.4.6 Display Mode (3.11)
D.5 The Palette (8.3)
D.6 Files
D.7 The Document Window (3.6 The Document Window)
D.8 Layers (4.6 Layers)
D.9 Objects (Chapter 4)
D.9.1 Undo/Redo
D.9.2 The Clipboard (4.4)
D.9.3 Duplicate (4.4)
D.9.4 Clone (Chapter 16)
D.9.5 Bitmaps (Chapter 18)
D.9.6 Patterns (10.8)
D.9.7 Group (4.5)
D.9.8 Z-Order (4.3)
D.10 Paths (Chapter 12)
D.10.1 Object to Path
D.10.2 Boolean Operations (12.2)
D.10.3 Offsets (12.4)
D.10.4 Combine (12.1.1)
D.10.5 Simplify (12.3)
D.11 The Selector Tool (5.4)
D.11.1 Select (Mouse, 5.4)
D.11.2 Rubber Band (5.7), Touch Selection (5.8)
D.11.3 Select (Keyboard, 5.11)
D.11.4 Select Within Group (5.10), Select Under (5.9)
D.11.5 Move (Mouse, 6.1)
D.11.6 Move (Keyboard, 6.1)
D.11.7 Transform (Mouse, 6.2, 6.3)
D.11.8 Scale with Handles (6.2)
D.11.9 Scale (Keyboard, 6.5.2)
D.11.10 Rotate/Skew with Handles (6.3)
D.11.11 Rotate (Keyboard, 6.5.3)
D.11.12 Flip (6.5.3)
D.11.13 The Rotation Center (6.4)
D.11.14 Cancel
D.12 The Node Tool (12.5)
D.12.1 Select Objects (Mouse)
D.12.2 Select Nodes (Mouse)
D.12.3 Rubber Band Selection (12.5.2)
D.12.4 Select Nodes (Keyboard, 12.5.2)
D.12.5 Grow/Shrink Node Selection (12.5.2)
D.12.6 Move Nodes (Mouse, 12.5.7)
D.12.7 Move Nodes (Keyboard, 12.5.7)
D.12.8 Move Node Handle (Mouse, 12.5.7)
D.12.9 Scale Handle (One Node Selected, 12.5.6)
D.12.10 Rotate Handle (One Node Selected, 12.5.6)
D.12.11 Scale Nodes (Two or More Nodes Selected,
D.12.12 Rotate Nodes (Two or More Nodes Selected,
D.12.13 Flip Nodes (Two or More Nodes Selected,
D.12.14 Change Segments (12.5.6)
D.12.15 Change Node Type (12.5.5)
D.12.16 Join/Break (12.5.4)
D.12.17 Delete, Create, and Duplicate (12.5.3)
D.12.18 Reverse (12.1.1)
D.12.19 Edit Shapes
D.12.20 Edit Fills and Path Effects
D.12.21 Cancel
D.13 The Tweak Tool (6.9, 8.7, 12.6)
D.13.1 Operation
D.13.2 Modes
D.13.3 Parameters (12.6.1)
D.14 The Rectangle Tool (11.2)
D.14.1 Draw
D.14.2 Select
D.14.3 Resize with Handles (11.2.1)
D.14.4 Round Corners with Handles (11.2.2)
D.15 The 3D Box Tool (11.3)
D.15.1 Draw (11.3.2)
D.15.2 Select
D.15.3 Edit with Handles (11.3.4)
D.15.4 Edit Perspectives (11.3.3)
D.16 The Ellipse Tool (11.4)
D.16.1 Draw (11.4.1)
D.16.2 Select
D.16.3 Edit with Handles (11.4.2)
D.17 The Star Tool (11.5)
D.17.1 Draw (11.5.1)
D.17.2 Select
D.17.3 Edit with Handles (11.5.2)
D.18 The Spiral Tool (11.6)
D.18.1 Draw
D.18.2 Select
D.18.3 Edit with Handles
D.19 The Zoom Tool (3.9)
D.20 The Pencil Tool (14.2)
D.21 The Pen (Bézier) Tool (14.1)
D.21.1 Create Nodes (14.1.1)
D.21.2 Move Last Node (14.1.2)
D.21.3 Create/Modify Segments
D.21.4 Create Dots (14.1.4)
D.21.5 Finish
D.21.6 Cancel
D.22 The Calligraphic Pen Tool (14.3)
D.23 The Paint Bucket Tool (14.4)
D.24 The Gradient Tool (10.1)
D.24.1 Select Objects
D.24.2 Create Gradients
D.24.3 Select Handles
D.24.4 Create/Delete Intermediate Stops (10.5.1)
D.24.5 Move Handles/Stops (10.5.2)
D.24.6 Reverse (10.2)
D.24.7 Gradient Editor
D.25 The Dropper Tool (8.6)
D.26 The Text Tool (Chapter 15)
D.26.1 Select/Create
D.26.2 Navigate in Text
D.26.3 Flowed Text (Internal Frame, 15.2.2)
D.26.4 Flowed Text (External Frame,
D.26.5 Text on a Path (15.2.3)
D.26.6 Edit Text
D.26.7 Select Text (15.1.1)
D.26.8 Style Selection (15.4.2)
D.26.9 Letter Spacing (15.3.4)
D.26.10 Line Spacing (15.3.4)
D.26.11 Kerning and Shifting (15.3.3)
D.26.12 Rotate (15.3.3)
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