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Introduction to Volume 1
Part 1 Music education and the role of music in people’s lives
1. Commentary: Music Education and the Role of Music in people’s lives
2. Music’s Place in Education
3. International Perspectives
4. Music Education Philosophy
5. Cultural Diversity: Beyond “Songs from Every Land”
6. Some Contributions of Ethnomusicology
7. Musical Identities Mediate Musical Development
8. Supporting Motivation in Music Education
9. Becoming a Music Learner: Toward a Theory of Transformative Music Engagement
10. Initiating Music Programs in New Contexts: In Search of a Democratic Music Education
11. Implications of Neurosciences and Brain Research for Music Teaching and Learning
Part 2 Critical reflections and future action
12. Commentary: Critical Reflections and Future Action
13. Politics, Policy, and Music Education
14. Instrumental Teachers and Their Students: Who’s in the Driver’s Seat?
15. University Professors and the Entrepreneurial Spirit
16. Pride and Professionalism in Music Education
17. Pondering the Grand Experiment in Public Music Education
18. Music Education and Some of Its Subfields: Thoughts About Future Priorities
19. Music Education: An Unanswered Question
20. Improving Primary Teaching: Minding the Gap
21. International Music Education: Setting up a Global Information System
22. The Responsibility of Research in Defining the Profession of Music Education
23. Constructing Communities of Scholarship in Music Education
24. Internationalizing Music Education
25. Emotion in Music Education
26. Music Education from a Slightly Outside Perspective
27. Research Issues in Personal Music Identification
28. Preparation, Perseverance, and Performance in Music: Views from a Program of Educational Psychology Research
29. Music Therapy in Schools: An Expansion of Traditional Practice
30. Embracing New Digital Technologies: Now and into the Future
31. Challenges for Research and Practices of Music Education
32. All Theoried Up and Nowhere to Go
33. Make Research, Not War: Methodologies and Music Education Research
34. The Preparation of Music Teacher Educators: A Critical Link
35. Music and the Arts: As Ubiquitous and Fundamental as the Air We Breathe
36. There Is Nothing Complex About a Correlation Coefficient
37. Dewey’s Bastards: Music, Meaning, and Politics
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