[en] A Writer's House in Wales National Geographic
[en] [Coast to Coast 01] • Coast to Coast Travelers' Tales
[en] Allegorizings Liveright
[en] The World · Life and Travel 1950-2000 W. W. Norton Company
[en] Hav (New York Review Books Classics) NYRB Classics
[en] Thinking Again Liveright
[en] Allegorizings Faber & Faber
[en] The Venetian Empire · A Sea Voyage Penguin
[en] The Best Traveled Man on Earth New Word City, Inc.
[en] In My Mind's Eye Faber Faber
[en] Trieste and the Meaning of Nowhere Da Capo Press
[en] [The Pax Britannica Trilogy 01] • Heaven’s Command Faber and Faber
[en] [The Pax Britannica Trilogy 03] • Farewell the Trumpets Mariner Books