Found 29 books

[en] Sinners and Saints Hot Ink Press

Shellea, AmBear

[en] The Loom GuidepostsBooks

Gillus, Shella

[en] Once Upon A Dystopia · An Anthology of Twisted Fairy Tales and Fractured Folklore Independently Published

Carson, Heather & Stevens, Audrey & Chapman, Jared & McEntire, K.R.S. & Jacques, Kathryn & Woosley, Sherri & Carpenter, Harry & Young, Ginny & Kopievsky, Mikhaeyla & Hicks, J.

[en] Best Laid Plans Harper

Sidney, Sheldon

[en] [Savage 03] • Savage Revenge Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

Stevens, Shelli

[en] Ghostsitter Future House Publishing