Found 58 books

[en] Voronezh Notebooks NYRB Poets

Mandelstam, Osip

[en] Collected Poems NYRB Poets

Amis, Kingsley

[en] The Mangan Inheritance NYRB Classics

[en] Motley Stones NYRB Books

Stifter, Adalbert

[en] English Renaissance Poetry NYRB Classics

Williams, John

[en] My Century NYRB Classics

Wat, Aleksander

[en] Shelley NYRB Classics

Holmes, Richard

[en] The Lord Chandos Letter NYRB Classics

Hofmannsthal, Hugo von

[en] A Dictionary of Symbols NYRB Classics

Cirlot, Juan Eduardo

[en] Existential Monday NYRB Classics

Fondane, Benjamin