[en] The Way of Tea and Justice Jericho Books
[it] Gesù Lava Più Bianco. Ovvero Come La Chiesa Inventò Il Marketing minimum fax
[en] [Gutenberg 16734] • Retrospection and Introspection Dodo Press
[en] Tea and Crumples Light Messages Publishing
[en] So A Comedian Walks Into Church Darton Longman and Todd
[en] [Clover Ridge 02] • Katie's Choice Not Avail
[en] The Path of a Christian Witch Llewellyn Publications
[en] Hungry Moon Headline Book Publishing
[en] [Song of Suspense 03] • A Carol for Kent Olivia Kimbrell Press
[en] Opus Dei · An Objective Look Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controversial Force in the Catholic Church Doubleday/Random House (NY)
[en] The Rite · The Making of a Modern Exorcist Doubleday Religion
[en] Christianity in Roman Africa Eerdmans
[en] 50 Asesinos Seriales Cooltura