[en] The Courage to Act · A Memoir of a Crisis and Its Aftermath W. W. Norton Company
[en] The Euro and the Battle of Ideas Princeton University Press
[en] A Generation of Sociopaths · How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America Hachette Books
[en] A Generation of Sociopaths Hachette Books
[en] Scottish Political System Since Devolution Imprint Academic
[en] Council Housing and Culture Routledge
[en] Uncharted Love (Places to See Book 4) CreateSpace
[en] Danny Dollar Millionaire Extraordinaire Ty Allan Jackson
[fr] L’hydre Mondiale · L’oligopole Bancaire Lux Éditeur
[es] Gestión de proyectos editoriales. Cómo encargar y contratar libros Fondo de Cultura Económica
[en] Dusty Fog's Civil War 9 Piccadilly Publishing
[fr] Les Intouchables D'état · Bienvenue en Macronie Robert Laffont
[en] [Stanton Family 01] • Falling for the CEO Entangled: Select Contemporary