[en] A Song for Selma (Stories) Delacorte Press
[en] Ed Luby's Key Club (Stories) Delacorte Press
[en] If This Isn't Nice What Is? (Much) Expanded RosettaBooks
[es] Mientras Los Mortales Duermen Sexto Piso
[es] Mire Al Pajarito Sexto Piso Editorial
[en] [Exile trilogy 03] • Rigadoon Dalkey Archive Press
[es] Matadero Cinco ePubLibre
[en] [Science Fiction Megapack 04] • The Fourth Science Fiction MEGAPACK ® Wildside Press
[fr] [Un livre Un film 01] • Abattoir 5 Seuil
[en] Welcome to the Monkey House · The Special Edition Dial Press Trade Paperback
[it] Ricordando l’apocalisse Feltrinelli
[de] Schlachthof 5 Rowohlt Verlag
[en] The Petrified Ants Delacorte Press
[en] Cat's Cradle Random House, Inc.
[en] Bagombo snuff box G.P. Putnam's Sons
[en] Bagombo snuff box G.P. Putnam's Sons
[en] Player Piano Random House Publishing Group
[en] Cat's Cradle Dell
[und] Happy Birthday, Wanda June Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group