[en] [An Art Lover's Mystery 01] • Feint of Art · Signet Book
[es] Salvatierra New Vessel Press
[en] You Are an Artist, Assignments to Spark Creation Penguin Books
[en] Blaschka (HD-Version) Dölling u. Galitz
[en] Living With Leonardo Thames Hudson
[en] Return to Painting Harper Perennial
[en] Notes From an Exhibition HarperCollins Publishers
[en] Modern Art Desserts Ten Speed Press
[en] [The Chris Norgren Mysteries 03] • Old Scores ereads.com
[en] [The Chris Norgren Mysteries 02] • A Glancing Light ereads.com
[en] The Art World Demystified Allworth
[en] The Cave & the Cathedral Wiley
[en] The Toaster Project · Or a Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple Electric Appliance From Scratch Princeton Architectural Press
[en] Thai Art, Currencies of the Contemporary The MIT Press
[en] The Last Painting of Sara de Vos Sarah Crichton Books