[en] Quicktime for the Web · for Windows and Macintosh · 2nd Edition Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
[en] The Swift Programming Language (Swift 4) Apple Inc.
[en] [Instructions 09] • iPad User Guide Apple Inc.
[en] Cocoa Fundamentals Guide www.apple.com
[en] Using Swift With Cocoa and Objective-C Apple Inc.
[en] The Swift Programming Language Apple Inc.
[en] The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.3) Apple Inc.
[en] Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C www.apple.com
[en] The Objective-C Programming Language Apple Publications
[en] [Swift 04] • The Swift Programming Language Apple Inc.
[en] Lexi's Choice The Wild Rose Press
[en] Manlove & Menage Courtesan Press
[en] Entropic Affirmation Lexington Books
[en] Jewels of the Middle Way Wisdom Publications
[en] Atisa Dipamkara, Illuminator of the Awakened Mind Shambhala
[en] Education and Power Routledge
[en] Can Education Change Society? Routledge
[en] The Soulmate Lover · A Guide to Passionate and Lasting Love, Sex, and Intimacy Higher Possibility