Found 9 books

[en] The Kissing Sailor · the Mystery Behind the Photo That Ended World War II US Naval Institute Press

Verria, Lawrence & Galdorisi, George

[en] Tom Clancy's Op-Center · Dark Zone St. Martin's Griffin

Galdorisi, George

[en] Tom Clancy Presents · Act of Valor PENGUIN group

Couch, Dick & Galdorisi, George

[en] Act of Valor PENGUIN group

Couch, Dick & Galdorisi, George

[en] [Tom Clancy's Op-Center 14] • 14 Into the Fire St. Martin's Griffin

Couch, Dick & Galdorisi, George

[en] [Op-Center 13] • Out of the Ashes St. Martin's Griffin

Clancy, Tom & Couch, Dick & Galdorisi, George

[en] [Tom Clancy's Op-Center 15] • Op-Center 15 - Scorched Earth St. Martin's Griffin

Clancy, Tom & Galdorisi, George

[en] Tom Clancy's Act of Valor PENGUIN group

Couch, Dick & Galdorisi, George