[en] The Thinnai Hachette India
[en] The Thinnai Hachette India
[en] Isoline and the Serpent-Flower Black Coat Press
[en] Spawn of the Penitentiary 1: From Devil's Island to the City of Lights Black Coat Press
[en] Spawn of the Penitentiary 2: Cosmopolitan Pirates Black Coat Press
[en] Spawn of the Penitentiary 3: Scientific Detectives and Bandits Black Coat Press
[es] Mademoiselle De Maupin Random House Mondadori
[fr] La Morte Amoureuse Et Autres Nouvelles Flammarion
[fr] Récits Fantastiques Flammarion
[fr] Nouvelles II Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
[fr] Nouvelles III Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
[fr] Nouvelles I Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
[fr] Le Pipe D'Opium / Le Club Des Haschischins Fayard/Mille et une nuits
[en] The History of Al-Tabari Vol. 13 · the Conquest of Iraq, Southwestern Persia, and Egypt · the Middle Years of 'Umar's Caliphate A.D. 636-642/A.H. 15-21 State University of New York Press
[es] Viaje Por España (1840) Editorial Mediterraneo
[es] Una Noche De Cleopatra ePubLibre