Found 25 books

[en] 12th Night Smashwords, Inc.

Barbosa, Jackie

[en] Romancing the Past

Burke, Darcy & Barbosa, Jackie & Bilson, Catherine & Brett, Clair & Hallock, Jennifer & Lomax, Carrie & Pendle, Eve & Satie, Erin & Taylor, Erica & Wilde, Tanya

[en] Holeshot Circe Press

Jackie Barbosa

[en] Romancing the Past

Darcy Burke & Jackie Barbosa & Catherine Bilson & Clair Brett & Jennifer Hallock & Carrie Lomax & Eve Pendle & Erin Satie & Erica Taylor & Tanya Wilde

[en] A Bit of Rough Circe Press

Jackie Barbosa

[en] My True Love Gave to Me Circe Press

Barbosa, Jackie