Found 3 books

[en] Carnival of Cryptids (Anthology to Raise Funds for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children) (Kindle All-Stars Book 2) Apiary Society Publications

Schaffer, Bernard & Vitka, William & Healey, Tony & Posner, Matt & Provine, Jeff & Cox, Simon John & Smith-Josephy, Susan & Glassford, Doug

[en] Hellfire Smashwords Edition

[en] Baen Books · Free Stories 2015

Spoor, Ryk E. & Lambshead, John & Williams, Whit & Lee, Sharon & Miller, Steve & Rylander, K.B. & Buettner, Robert & Coe, David B. & Conroy, Robert & Dunn, J.R. & Gannon, Charles E. & Provine, Jeff & Kupari, Mike & Nye, Jody Lynn & DuBois, Brendan