[en] Hero Workouts · Hardcore Functional Workouts Dedicated to the Heroes of U.S. Special Warfare Units William E. Morgan, LLC
[en] A fiery peace in a cold war: Bernard Schriever and the ultimate weapon Random House, Inc.
[en] War in the Air Pocket Books
[en] A Knife Edge Random House, Inc.
[en] A War Too Far David Lee Corley
[en] Stuka Pilot Schiffer Publishing
[en] The B-17 · the Flying Forts I Books
[en] [The Airmen 06] • A War Too Far White Mountain Commercial LLC
[en] [Gutenberg 780] • The War in the Air Penguin Classics
[en] The Franklin Cover-up by Former Green Beret John DeCamp A W T, Incorporated
[en] [Guided Tour 01] • Tom Clancy NF [06] - Carrier Berkley
[en] [Gutenberg 43264] • The Phantom Airman Createspace
[en] [Gutenberg 54799] • Balloons, Airships, and Flying Machines Dodd, Mead & Co.