Found 14 books

[de] Fidel Castro · Eine Biographie Kindler Verlag

Volker, Skierka

[pt] Fidel E Raúl, Meus Irmãos - a História Secreta Editora Planeta do Brasil Ltda.

Castro, Juanita & Collins, María Antonieta

[pt] Dossiê Fidel Castro Universo dos Livros

Lorenzato, Rodolfo

[en] Listen, Yankee! Seven Stories Press

[en] My Lost Cuba East End Press

Gonzalez-Falla, Celso

[en] All the Way with JFK · An Alternate History of 1964 Amazon kindle and at Smashwords

Schaefer, F.C.

[en] The Shores of Miami Independently Published

Szerminski, Lucy

[eng] Waiting on Zapote Street Betty Viamontes

Betty Viamontes