[en] The Great Stain · Witnessing American Slavery The Overlook Press
[en] No Way But This Scribe Publications
[en] Don't applaud. Either laugh or don't. (At the Comedy Cellar.) Scribe Publications Pty Ltd
[en] The Trials of Portnoy Scribe Publications
[en] Ten Doors Down Scribe Publications
[en] Gypsies, Preachers, and Big White Bears General Store Publishing House
[en] Don't applaud. Either laugh or don't Scribe UK
[en] Life As Told by a Sapiens to a Neanderthal Scribe
[en] Eastern Sentiments Columbia University Press
[en] Inside the Red Border Liberty Street
[en] Revolution Scribe Us
[en] The Beginnings of English Law University of Toronto Press
[en] To Kill a Tiger The Overlook Press
[en] Connecting the Continents Breakwater Books
[en] Post-War Lies Scribe Publications Australia
[en] An Unconventional Wife Scribe Publications