[en] Mack 'n' Me C.M. Simpson Publishing
[en] Mack 'n' Me C.M. Simpson
[en] [Mack 'n' Me 'n' Odyssey 02] • Blaedergil's Host C.M. Simpson Publishing
[en] Blaedergil's Host C.M. Simpson Publishing
[en] [Mack Bolan the Executioner 218] • End Game Gold Eagle
[en] [Mack Bolan the Executioner 214] • Fission Fury Gold Eagle
[en] [Mack Bolan the Executioner 226] • Red Horse Simon & Schuster
[en] [Mack Bolan the Executioner 212] • Ride the Beast Gold Eagle
[en] [Sabat 01] • The Graveyard Vultures New English Library
[en] A Snake's Mistake archiveofourown.org
[de] Boxenstopp für einen Kuss (Sports Romance, Liebe, Chick-Lit) (Die 'Racing Love' Reihe 2) (German Edition) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[en] [Jack "Keeper" Marconi 07] • Sins of the Sons Bear Mystery
[en] [The MacKenzie Family 4.60] • A MacKenzie Christmas 7th Press
[en] [Maggie MacKay, Magical Tracker 2.50] • The Ghost and Ms. MacKay Katherine Danley
[en] Light Out of Darkness—Lux E Tenebris (Thelema and the Necronomicon) Salt Mine Publications
[it] [MacKinnon’s Rangers 01] • Tentati Dalla Passione Mondolibri Euroclub
[en] [Gutenberg 40019] • The Barren Ground of Northern Canada Book Jungle