Found 68 books

[en] Metafiction Short Story Writers Salem Press


[es] Viaje Alrededor De El Quijote Fondo de Cultura Economica USA

Paso, Fernando del

[en] The Ayn Rand reader Plume Books

Rand, Ayn & Hull, Gary & Peikoff, Leonard

[en] The Age of Innocence Twayne Publishers

Wagner-Martin, Linda

[en] Autobiography of Mark Twain University of California Press

Twain, Mark & Smith, Harriet E. & Salamo, Lin

[en] John Steinbeck's the Grapes of Wrath Monarch Press

Alexander, Charlotte A. & Notes, Monarch & Steinbeck, John

[und] Darkness peering New York : Bantam Books, c1999.

Alice Blanchard

[en] [Faerie Justice 01] • The War and After WMG Publishing

Rusch, Kristine Kathryn