[en] American Demagogues: The Great Awakening and the Rise and Fall of Populism Pegasus Books
[en] The Beginning of the American Fall · A Comics Journalist Inside the Occupy Wall Street Movement Seven Stories Press
[en] The Beginning of the American Fall Seven Stories Press
[en] Deep Time Reckoning, How Future Thinking Can Help Earth Now The MIT Press
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[en] The Next Republic Seven Stories Press
[en] Trump and the Media MIT Press
[en] Faking the News Societas
[en] [Gutenberg 54549] • Betsy Gaskins (Dimicrat), Wife of Jobe Gaskins (Republican) / Or, Uncle Tom's Cabin Up to Date Chicago : Wabash Pub. House
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[es] Una historia del peronismo Planeta Argentina
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[de] Gehört Sachsen noch zu Deutschland? Ullstein eBooks
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