[en] The Matterhorn - the Most Dangerous Mountain Alpine Avenue Books
[nl] [The deWarenne Dynasty 04] • The Prize MIRA
[it] [The Boss 02] • The Girlfriend Newton Compton editori
[de] Love in the City · Herzklopfen in der Oxford Street dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[eng] Memories of the Bush Mulga Mob Publishing
[uk] Лев, ведмідь та лис / The Lion, The Bear, And The Fox Dino Lingo
[vi] KHỈ VÀ CHUỒN CHUỒN / The Monkeys And The Dragonflies Dino Lingo
[uk] Принцеса та горошина / The Princess And The Pea Dino Lingo
[uk] Лис та виноград / The Fox And The Grapes Dino Lingo
[uk] Мураха та коник-стрибунець / The Ant And The Grasshopper Dino Lingo
[uk] Ведмідь вчить лисицю / The Bear Teaches The Fox Dino Lingo
[es] [The Expanse 05] • Los Juegos De Némesis - the Expanse 05 Nova Ciencia Ficción
[en] [Horse Mountain Shifters 01] • Horse Mountain Heat Ellora's Cave Publishing Inc.
[de] Isabelle & Ethan (Kiss the Millionaire-Reihe 1) (German Edition) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[it] [Submissive 02] • Lui, the Dominant (The Submissive 02) Mondolibri