[en] Szellem a gépben Európa
[cs] Spalovač mrtvol Odeon
[en] The White People And Other Weird Stories Penguin Group
[cs] Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války Značka 1400
[en] [Middle Earth 00] • The Hobbit Harper
[cs] Volání rodu Albatros
[en] The Lord of the Rings HarperCollins
[en] [Rama 04] • Rama Revealed Spectra
[cs] Dášeňka čili život štěněte Moravia Media
[cs] Kupec benátský Academia
[cs] Jan Maria Plojhar Kessinger Publishing, LLC
[en] Who Goes There? Lightning Source Inc
[it] Orrore ad Amityville Sonzogno
[en] Meditations Modern Library
[en] The Life of Herod the Great Amistad
[cs] Staré pověsti české J. Otto - Ottovo nakladatelství
[en] Long Day's Journey Into Night Yale University Press
[en] Roadside Picnic Chicago Review Press
[en] Tales of Horror and the Supernatural Pinnacle Books
[en] The Bewitched Bourgeois NYRB Classics