Become · A Young Adult Fantasy Fiction Adventure (The Frosted Realms Series Book II)

Become · A Young Adult Fantasy Fiction Adventure (The Frosted Realms Series Book II)
Kline, Stephanie
Clever Girl Publishing
fantasy , ya fantasy fiction , ya
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★Book 2 in the Best Selling YA Fantasy Series, The Frosted Realms★

I've gone from a timid shut-in to the only hope for an entire realm of beings, and all at the swift tear of time and space. Great. This should definitely be interesting.

After plummeting into a world unknown, breaking the barriers of time and space itself, Clara and Ethan found themselves standing before the ruling force of the realm, and a secret Clara never saw coming.

Now, with a strange land in front of her, a team of unruly fantastical beings, and dreams leading her to the faces in the ice, she must realize her destiny to become the person she truly is behind the Chucks, video games, and fear of the future.

If she doesn' won't be just her parents she loses.

When the fate of the realms rests with the fate of an outcast, is it possible to see what can be, instead of what's always been?