[My Immortal Knight 03] • All Knight Long

[My Immortal Knight 03] • All Knight Long
Devlin, Delilah
Ellora's Cave Publishing Inc
romance , literature & fiction
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Book 3 in the My Immortal Knight series

A member of an elite police unit sworn to hunt vampires, Joe Garcia's life is turned upside down when he's transformed into one. On a quest for a cure, his search brings him to New Orleans in a last ditch effort to recover his humanity.

Professor Lily Carlson, a renowned expert in vampire lore, has a "condition" of her own. Her sexual libido has been in hyper-drive for months. Her only defense is to hide behind her glasses and tweed suits and stay as far away from men as possible. However, she's thrilled to discover vampires really do exist when Joe shows up on her balcony.

Although Joe deflects her attempts to make him a case study and confirm a few vampire statistics, he is drawn by her powerful allure. When werewolves join the chase and track her through New Orleans, Joe's cop instincts tell him there's a mystery to solve. Intent on protecting her, he must seek help from the last vampire on Earth he wants to ask. While his hopes for deliverance from his fate dwindle, Lily's life is forever altered by an unexpected "inheritance".

Review"Author Delilah Devlin's My Immortal Knight series is a wonderful group of books that'll keep the readers anxiously intrigued through out all the series."In The Library Reviews

"Ms. Devlin knows how to use her words to draw you into her story. She has created characters that are easy to fall in love with. When you combine her excellent characters with the great plot, this story becomes a must read."5 Angels, Fallen Angel Reviews

"Vampires, werewolves, and babies -- oh, my! ALL KNIGHT LONG is a sensual and thrilling ride into the world of the paranormal."Romance Reviews Today