Searching for Secrets

Searching for Secrets
Orr, Elaine
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
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Christa Heckertt did not expect to interrupt an intruder trying to steal parts from the computers her Iowa City fourth-grade class won in the mayor's competition. And the last thing Officer Kirk Reynolds wanted was to be called from a drug surveillance to investigate an attempted burglary at Buckingham Elementary School. But the burglary throws them together–Kirk who wants enough evidence to convict a drug dealer who sells to kids and Christa who wants to keep her students safe and get control of her life again. The thieves who want the newly won computers will stop at nothing. They'll kidnap, run cars off the road, steal, and threaten worse. Their attraction to each other is growing, but Christa and Kirk are too stubborn to admit it. Will it get in the way as they try to decipher an encoded file and learn what the bad guys want and why it's worth killing to get it? On Halloween eve, Christa is kidnapped by a drug dealer who wants to use her as leverage to get what he wants. Will she escape in time to work with Kirk to keep the dealer from making that delivery and find out who his partners are? Can she and Kirk trust the right people to catch the dealers?