Adam of Ifé · Black Women in Praise of Black Men · Poems

Adam of Ifé · Black Women in Praise of Black Men · Poems

This ground-breaking anthology of poetry contains an informative foreword by the editor, Naomi Long Madgett, which traces the historical influences that have cast so many contemporary African American men in a negative light.

The book is divided into eight sections: "Fathers," "Brothers, Sons and Other Youth," "Lovers," "Street Scene," "Beacons," "Music-Makers," "In Light and Shadow," and "In This Sad Place." Each of these section titles is preceded by a group of four portraits drawn by the late Carl Owens.

This is an extremely important book that educates its readers, portraying African American men in many positive ways and denying the stereotypical images that too often prevail. The message is not overshadowed by the fine literary quality of the poems by 55 African American women. The title refers to Ife, a city in Nigeria which, according to legend, was the birthplace of mankind.