[Red Planet Dragons of Tajss 06] • Dragon's Capture

[Red Planet Dragons of Tajss 06] • Dragon's Capture

A Commander never compromises.

The beautiful, headstrong human female contests me at every turn. She is the leader of her people and they love and respect her. As do I, though neither of us admit it. I burn with the desire to claim her as my treasure.

My people revere the Edicts above all else. Together we are stronger. I must make her see that in order for my people and hers to be one, for she and I to be one, she must eliminate the threat that could drive our entire world apart.

Gershom. He has finally gone too far and I will not tolerate his continued presence.

The humans who mate with the Zmaj have been exiled and the confrontation has come to a head. This female who tempts my Dragon will find out how possessive and dominant a Commander can be.