[The Ǧírkù chronicles 01] • Le secret des étoiles sombres

[The Ǧírkù chronicles 01] • Le secret des étoiles sombres
Anton, Parks
Editions Nenki
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The Secret of the Dark Stars is a rare book, a strange, extraordinary, timeless, fascinating book. We find in the same book the richness of a novel, a historical and above all spiritual coherence that can make sense of the world surrounding us; it is a challenge. A small miracle! If the presentation of the book reminds us of an epic narrative of science-fiction, and certainly, this book has a real epic 'breath of wind', The Secret of the Dark Stars examines the reality of our most distant past, the oldest civilization that gave birth to today's society, all to make sense of our present. The work of Anton Parks remains totally original, immersing the reader in a ceaseless ballet of questions and answers, playing with the roots of our most fundamental myths, the decoding of ancient and modern languages as part of an epic saga. Fiction or reality? It is up to the reader to decide. Anton Parks describes the functioning of the power struggles between the so-called "Gods" of the Egyptian and Sumerian pantheon by expanding the picture into a huge galactic bestiary, a highly complex and fascinating battle between multiple extraterrestrial civilizations whose identity is coded." Alain Gossens (Karma One) - Karmapolis.be, October, 2005 "The work of Parks remains unclassifiable and raises essential questions: what was happening on Earth before the coming of Man? What preceded and caused the advent of human civilizations? The author of the Secret of the Stars Dark fascinates thousands of readers around the world with his epic stories about the origin of human civilization. Parks just possibly restores to us our true genesis, the one which appears in the Sumerian texts, which, as a clairvoyant, he deciphers in a straightforward manner. Hang on, this is genuine Parks!" Nexus France, No. 43-44, Spring-Summer 2006. Anton Parks