[Myth adventures 10] • Sweet Myth-Tery of Life

[Myth adventures 10] • Sweet Myth-Tery of Life
Aspirin, Robert
Event Horizon EBooks/Event Horizon Publishing Group
fantasy , humour , science fiction
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Love is in the air ... and it might just turn deadly for our hero!

Skeeve is a powerful magician, and he always means well ... but he is more than a bit naive when it comes to romance. And suddenly, he’s drowning in a sea of romance! There’s Bunny, the brilliant mob moll, Cassandra the friendly neighborhood vampire night club queen ... and of course, there’s the sexy but dangerously twisted Queen Hemlock.

Only one of his nubile suitors can assure his future—and maybe even keep him alive !


I have a problem ...

“And so, to recap, the situation is this ...”

I ticked the points off on my fingers, giving my audience a visual image to reinforce my words.

“First, Queen Hemlock wants me to be her consort. Second, she's given me a month to think it over before I reach my decision. Third ...”

I tapped the appropriate finger for emphasis.

“If I decide not to marry her, she says she'll abdicate, naming me her successor and sticking me with the whole mess. Got that?”

I was proud of my ability to address the problem head on, summarizing and analyzing it as I sought a solution. There was a time in the not too distant past when I simply would have lapsed into blind panic. If nothing else, my adventures over the years had done wonders for my confidence in my abilities to handle nearly any crisis.

“Gleep!” my audience responded.

Okay ... so I wasn't all that confident.

Review Quotes:

“Give yourself the pleasure of working through the series. But not all at once; you’ll wear out your funny bone.” –The Washington Times

“Asprin’s major achievement as a writer—brisk pacing, wit, and a keen satirical eye.” –Booklist

“All the MYTH books are hysterically funny.” –Analog

“Breezy, pun-filled fantasy in the vein of Piers Anthony’s Xanth series … A hilarious bit of froth and frolic.”

“Tension getting to you? Take an Asprin! … His humor is broad and grows out of thefantasy world or dimensions in which his characters operate.” –Fantasy Review

“One of the finest blends of fantasy and humor ever written.” –Baryon Online