[Whisperings 04] • Demon Demon Burning Bright, Whisperings Book Four

[Whisperings 04] • Demon Demon Burning Bright, Whisperings Book Four
Welch, Linda
Linda Welch
ghosts , paranormal investigation , mystery , paranormal mystery , linda welch , whisperings series , urban fantasty
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“I would tear the world apart for Rio. Would you do the same for Royal?”

Royal disappears. He is a demon with inhuman abilities who moves between worlds at will. He could be anywhere. He leaves me a clue that takes me to Bel-Athaer, home of the Gelpha, but the High House councilors kick me out.

I’m going back in. I’ll find the mysterious Seer who sent Royal a message, and while I’m there I’ll do my damndest to save the young High Lord from the Burning Man and find the boy’s missing companion, and at the same time elude assassins who are after my ass.

I need backup, someone as strong and fast as Gelpha. Of all the shit crazy things I’ve done, returning to Bel-Athaer in the company of a Dark Cousin and an egotistical Gelpha is high on the list.

I won’t tear a world apart, but you can bet I’ll turn it on its ear.