[Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction 09] • Isaac Asimov's Worlds of Science Fiction. Book 9: Robots

[Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction 09] • Isaac Asimov's Worlds of Science Fiction. Book 9: Robots


Introduction - Isaac Asimov

"The Tunnel Under the World" - Frederik Pohl

"Brother Robot" - Henry Slesar

"The Lifeboat Mutiny" - Robert Sheckley

"The Warm Space" - David Brin

"How-2" - Clifford D. Simak

"Too Robot to Marry" - George H. Smith

"The Education of Tigress McCardle" - C. M. Kornbluth

"Sally" - Isaac Asimov

"Breakfast of Champions" - Thomas A. Easton

"Sun Up" · A. A. Jackson Howard Waldrop

"Second Variety" - Philip K. Dick

"The Problem Was Lubrication" - David R. Bunch

"First to Serve" - Algis Budrys

"Two-Handed Engine" - Henry Kuttner C. L. Moore

"Though Dreamers Die" - Lester del Rey

"Soldier Boy" - Michael Shaara

"Farewell to the Master" - Harry Bates