Guerrilla Analytics, A Practical Approach to Working with Data

Guerrilla Analytics, A Practical Approach to Working with Data
Ridge, Enda
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
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Doing data science is difficult. Projects are dynamic with requirements that change. Data arrives piecemeal, is replaced, contains flaws and comes from a variety of sources. New business rules are uncovered.

Guerrilla Analytics shows you how to structure and manage your Data Science projects so you can focus on doing Data Science.

In this book, you will learn about:

The Guerrilla Analytics Principles: simple rules of thumb for maintaining data provenance across the entire analytics life cycle from data extraction, through analysis to reporting.

Reproducible, traceable analytics: how to design and implement work products and data pipelines that are reproducible, testable and stand up to external scrutiny.

Practice tips and war stories 90 practice tips and 16 war stories based on real-world project challenges encountered in consulting, pre-sales and research.

Preparing for battle: how to set up your team's analytics environment in terms of tooling, skill sets, workflows and conventions.

Data gymnastics: over a dozen analytics patterns that your team will encounter again and again in projects