Cutting the Chains

Cutting the Chains

As a Christian teacher I only have two stories to tell. One is the story of what Jesus did for us on the cross and the other is the story of what God has done and is doing with me in the here and now.

So I hope that in sharing with you in this book my many failings, my fear, my doubts, my baggage and the mistakes that I have made, and the way God took someone whose life was a train-crash and rebuilt me and put me back on the rails, perhaps you will recognise yourself in some of what I write and maybe, just maybe and by the grace of God that I am undeserving of, I can help and encourage you to take one more step along the narrow and sometimes hard road of faith.

We take chains of emotional and mental hurt from our childhoods into our adulthood. Chains of pain that have shaped our lives, our personalities and our characters and which impact on our relationships, marriages, children and interaction with others.

Chains such as doubt, fear, anxiety, worry and self-hatred bind us to our past and we can never go forward and become the people that God has created us to be and achieve the full potential that He has given us unless we cut these chains and let go of them.

We cannot go forward whilst looking over our shoulders at the past.

This short book is the story of how God set me free from chains of childhood hurt and pain during December 2014 in an intensive period of deep inner healing and the things I learnt from it.

Perhaps you may identify with some of what I have written and be able to cut chains that bind you to the past and be set free.

Once God has set us free from those chains that bind us to the past then we are free to walk into the destiny and inheritance that He has planned for us and I share the story of the journey towards that destiny since my chains were cut.

Where is the narrow road of God's destiny leading you?